Post your Hall of Shame Moments HERE

Major Hall of Shame moment.

Went on my first "group" ride this last weekend. We were on a two lane road and came upon a truck moving relatively slow compared to the posted speed limit. The two bikes in front of me passed on a dashed yellow section and the two bikes behind me were picking up speed to do the same. I checked for oncoming traffic, saw that I was clear, down shifted and started my pass. Unfortunately I had such tunnel vision on the oncoming traffic lane that I didn't realize that the lane was no longer dashed and I started my pass 100 yards or so before a left hand turn lane opened up. Much to my surprise right as I caught the slow moving truck he moved into the left turn lane and I did some major panic breaking to avoid running into the bed of the truck. Luckily with lots of rear tire chattering and front end diving I slowed enough to get around the right of him and avoid the line of riders already moving by in the regular lane.

I felt like such an arse for pulling that move and definitely learned from it. Had a great ride after that, but man that was a bad, bad move on my part.
I got one for you guys... and this is shameful.

I was on the TEST DRIVE for my FZ6. Was in a right hand banked turn as I approached a stop sign. Being a novice rider, I didn't stand it upright in time for the stop. As the bike began to tip over to the right, I realized what was happening, but had no way to stop it since the weight of the bike was too much to hold up. As I got down to about 1mph, I muscled the bike as best I could to set it down gently. I picked the bike up by myself and rode it back to the dealership. Never even told him about it, just signed the papers and took the bike home. I knew I was going to buy the bike anyway, so now I figured it truly was mine since I left my "mark" on it. Hasn't been down since.

Light scratch on the mirror (replaced thanks to Wavex), broke the right turn signal where it attaches to the fairing (fixed with epoxy and some creativity), and a very very small scratch on the fairing in top corner where it meets the windscreen.
oh boy i really hope i dont have to be in here often. so far my only silly moment was trying to start the bike using the horn instead of the starter button. confused the two buttons this one time and played it off to who was around me just as a good-bye gesture. lol. i must have got caught up in thinking of the days i had my atv where the starter was actually to the left instead of the right.
Godspeed...that made me laugh out loud :rockon:

Boy I could be in here a few times (I've been riding for 10 years so stupid things are bound to happen right?)

-I dropped my kanana once in a parking lot... I thought my kickstand was down and it wasn't ... luckily I threw my purse down to soften the did however fill up with gas

-just last week I got a wedgie ....I wedged myself (while sitting on my bike) so tight against my car and the garage door that I was stuck with not a soul around in the blazing heat. :eek: I almost had to call 911 on my cell :lol:
Not on the FZ6 but when I had my Bandit I put it on the side stand on a road with a really steep camber, forgot all about it when I got onto the bike and tipped it to the right to get it off the stand, yup, gravity took over and I ended up sprawled on the pavement tangled up in the bike.

Both my lads and the Ex wife were there at the time as I was giving the eldest a lift to the football whilst the other was riding his "ped" there.

Cool dad on a m'bike image dissapeared immediately!!
My embarrassing moment happened within the first 5 minutes of me getting on my FZ. I had never rode a motorcycle before, this is my first bike. I had read the motorcycle handbook but really in the grand scheme of things...knew squat.
Hubby told me the best way to learn was to take it for a spin, just go down the road and come back.
I took it down the road to the first concession (country sideroad) turned down the road and pulled a u-ie came to a complete stop at the stop sign, then pulled out....on GRAVEL with CRAP throttle control, didn't know what I was doing. The bike scooted out from under me and I slowly set it down in the middle of the road and stepped off it. THAT was not the embarrassing part, newbie, kinda expected.
The embarrassing part was me standing in the middle of the road and not having a CLUE how to get this 400lb monster back up on rubber. I tried about 5 different ways with no luck. Then this OLD guy on a Goldwing stopped and helped me get it shiny side up.
Moral of the story: know how to pick your bike up before you drop it lol
I'd say mine came on day 2 of having the bike. Parked on a hill against a curb, a friend drove up and I was sitting on the bike (kickstand up getting ready to leave). We chatted a bit, and then, getting tired of holding the bike up, I went to put it on the kickstand which I had mysteriously kicked up...down she went, nice and slow, on the low side of the slowly that I had time to curse a lot, my buddy stared :eek:, and I set her down gently enough to not scratch anything but bar ends and the crank case. Needless to say, I was embarassed

Got her repainted at the 400 mile service on the crankcase and she hasn't been down since (also have frame sliders).
I'd say mine came on day 2 of having the bike. Parked on a hill against a curb, a friend drove up and I was sitting on the bike (kickstand up getting ready to leave). We chatted a bit, and then, getting tired of holding the bike up, I went to put it on the kickstand which I had mysteriously kicked up...down she went, nice and slow, on the low side of the slowly that I had time to curse a lot, my buddy stared :eek:, and I set her down gently enough to not scratch anything but bar ends and the crank case. Needless to say, I was embarassed

Got her repainted at the 400 mile service on the crankcase and she hasn't been down since (also have frame sliders).

I've not done this, but I've seen it three times now, twice where a person thought the kickstand was down and one where a lady drove up on her new bike, all beaming and smiles, pulled to a complete stop, grinning ear-to-ear, and then slowly tipped over onto the ground.

It happens! ;)
I've not done this, but I've seen it three times now, twice where a person thought the kickstand was down and one where a lady drove up on her new bike, all beaming and smiles, pulled to a complete stop, grinning ear-to-ear, and then slowly tipped over onto the ground.

It happens! ;)

Done it twice on 2 different bikes: Once in the garage w/a Virago. I got off it in time & managed to upright it myself.
The other time was w/a Sportster that had a tricky kickstand that was sorta hard to get locked in place. We lived on 10 acres w/5 ac. fenced & the hse was in the middle. The drive out to the gate was ~100yds+ & I pulled thru the open gate put the kickstand down only to have it swing back up, at the same time I'm laying the bike over to stand on the kickstand that wasn't there & it flopped over taking me w/it! It actually whipped me to the grnd w/my helmet wacking the gnd. Glad I had a helmet on. Anyway, I'm totally pinned to the gnd w/this 550# @#%**#^ bike on me. I can't get out from under it & the nearest neighbor is 1/4 mi. away so I'm yelling my head off to get my wife out there. She comes running & I'm fumming...................yeah - she tho't it was funny! She manages to hold the rear up enough for me to get my leg out & then we get it up.