Off topic GoPro (whitewater)


Junior Member
Jun 10, 2011
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Ann Arbor, MI
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As you all have probably gathered by now I'm somewhat obsessed with my GoPro (I'm a videographer by profession so I suppose it's only natural). I actually got the camera for another hobby, whitewater kayaking, and only later figured out how awesome it was for motorcycling as well. Yesterday a video I filmed on it made it into the finals of a video contest (cash prizes!), so I figure now would be a nice time to share that video as well as my favorite GoPro video from the past.

A friend of mine recently has launched Amzini, a new web app, and to launch it he's set up a video contest titled 'There's a Social Network for That?' The app is basically a database of hundreds of active social networks online, and as you all probably imagine, videos in this contest are all social network themed. I created a video for this contest featuring Boatertalk and MountainBuzz. Check it out if you're interested, hopefully it'll be worth a quick chuckle, and if you're feeling particularly charitable a vote would be much appreciated!

Amzini Video Contest | There's a social network for that?

Also, this past winter I spent the better part of a month in New Zealand (no greater place exists for outdoor enthusiasts), and managed to rent a boat and get some kayaking in. I had my GoPro on my helmet and made a 5 minute edit of the trip once I got back to the states:

[ame=""]‪Kayaking the Kaituna River, New Zealand‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Edit: Video is much nicer in HD, so embiggen it if you have the bandwidth!
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