Need prayers

Our thoughts are with him and our hopes for a quick recovery. Who'd think a balloon could do that?
:( Sorry to read this. Wishing him a speedy recovery and prayers sent. :)
ok Its Tuesday
updates for you guys and gals. Little man( oh sorry his name is Zakry), is doing good. We are still keeping his eye diolated everyday. It is so hard keeping him inside all day. He is such an actiive child, and it breaks my heart to have to get on to him for playing too hard, when thats what he has always done and loved. Dr.'s told us to try and keep him calm(YEAH RIGHT!!). LOL never thought trying to keep everyone calm was so tiring. But, so far he is good.

By the way thank all of you who sent prayers and thoughts! You know, I never knew I had such good friends on here. Ya'll know how to about make a Man cry, lol. Thank you so much for all your kindness. oh hey here is a picture of his different colored eyes Both used to be baby blue now one is and the other is like deep brown. This one is from today so now you can see some blue back in it.
We all know that you cannot watch them every second and even if you do they are bound to cause trouble.

I am sure he will be fine...and playing with balloons some time very soon.

The news is such a relief and I hope he continues to improve. Handsome guy!

Still praying for Zakry! I can just imagine trying to keep a young boy calm! Lot of turkey? :D
Hi there, how's the little one doing?


He is doing good he gave us a scare this morning because he decided to JUMP down a flight of stairs! As you can imagine he went tumbling down. He didnt even say OUCH!!!! didnt cry or anything just got up and went on as if it didnt happen. I checked his eye just in case but he is fine. Driving me and his mom crazy!! I dont know how to keep my child calm lol. He minds dont get me wrong he is well behaved but man, he has SOOOO much energy! We have the Dr. appointment tomorrow.
The news is such a relief and I hope he continues to improve. Handsome guy!

Still praying for Zakry! I can just imagine trying to keep a young boy calm! Lot of turkey? :D
That's hilarious.

But seriously, glad to hear your son is doing better. :thumbup: My daughter is just starting to crawl and it's already a lot of work. Can't wait for her to be running around. ;)
Hey all,
Thank you soooo much for you prayers and thoughts. Zakry is doing good. The Doc said his eye is doing great. We still have to keep him calm and his eye dialated for three weeks but Doc says he will be fine and that there wont be any vision problems.
Hey all,
Thank you soooo much for you prayers and thoughts. Zakry is doing good. The Doc said his eye is doing great. We still have to keep him calm and his eye dialated for three weeks but Doc says he will be fine and that there wont be any vision problems.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

:rockon: That is GREAT news! Thank you for the update! :steve:
first time i have seen this thread, i am glad that he is doing better and will be experiencing a full recovery. I still can;t belive that a Baloon could cause such issues...