Motorcycle Security


Junior Member
May 16, 2014
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Chicago Suburbs
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So I'm heading back down to college for my third year this coming saturday and I'm finally bringing my bike with me. I've got a cover on the way, and I'm going to pick up a Xena XX10 disc lock.

So my question is this: Do you guys think I'm under-doing it? I want to also buy something like a Kryptonite Fahgetaboutit (or however you spell it) chain and lock to go with the disc lock. The problem is that I don't know if I will have anything solid to lock my bike to. I know my roommate is bringing his car, so I've thought about locking to his car, but then I wonder if I will be able to get the bike close enough to lock a 5 foot chain through a wheel of the car and a wheel (or hopefully frame) of my bike.

On the other hand, there aren't many (almost 0) reported thefts of vehicles in the town I'll be living in (Champaign, IL) and the parking garage will be under the apartment building and not visible from the street. I know this can be good because potential thieves can't spot the bike easily, but on the other hand, it's bad because it provides more privacy to steal a bike. I also noticed there was a motorcycle parked in plain view all of last year near my last apartment with no locks and just a cover which was never touched or taken. And we're talking PLAIN VIEW. Like cars routinely drove past this unlocked motorcycle.

I don't have a problem spending the money on a chain. Hell it's a lot cheaper to buy a $120 chain and lock than it is to buy a new motorcycle and do all the work I've done to it again. So it's not a question of money. I think my best bet might be to start with the cover and disc lock and see if there is a solid place to lock the bike to.

Sorry if I'm rambling, I just wanted to get your opinions on the subject. :thumbup:
I think you would be fine with the disc lock. Its a huge deterrent as long as you don't park next to a power outlet. a chain lock just wrapped around your forks and wheel is more than enough as well. We don't have a bike that goes for 10,000 ours go for 3,000 or less with any defects.. like ignition destroyed.

I know my bikes ignition has a wheel lock built in by turning the key all the way to the left with the wheel cut all the way. I don't do anything more than that because my school is small and rural.
disc lock front disc and krptonite "new York" lock and heavy duty chain to rear wheel attached to what ever you can anchor to if poss. at least make hard to roll away so its either lift or drag

I had to leave mine out at work for two nights this week for the 1st time ever ( too crook to ride) anyway I only have a disc lock on the front for day parking. I have had a cover in my bottom drawer for over three years just in case. If folks don't know whats under a cover they tend not to want to seen lifting it for a squiz. Specially if you have little mods that can be swiped. I have things like carbon Barkbusters and HVMP barends and they are an investment I dont want to loose if parked in an overnite open environment , if they cant be seen easily no one knows they are there for the taking

good luck
disc lock front disc and krptonite "new York" lock and heavy duty chain to rear wheel attached to what ever you can anchor to if poss. at least make hard to roll away so its either lift or drag

+1 ^^^^

We had rash of motorcycle thefts down here years ago (an organized ring-eventually caught).

The thief would use either a pick up truck or rental truck.

It didn't take 15 seconds to load the bike (Disc lock or not) into the back of their vehicle,

Securing it to something solid, will lower the chances of theft significantly...

BTW, when on a multi bike LD road trip, we'd simply lock the bikes together at the front wheels. Try stealing 3-4 bikes at the same time all locked together!
There is nothing you can do to prevent theft. If some one wants it bad enough, they'll get it. There isn't anything more to add as far as deterrents go. Your next step, if you are worried, is to get full coverage including theft. It won't stop your bike from being stolen, but if it is, you will at least get something for it.
There is nothing you can do to prevent theft. If some one wants it bad enough, they'll get it. There isn't anything more to add as far as deterrents go. Your next step, if you are worried, is to get full coverage including theft. It won't stop your bike from being stolen, but if it is, you will at least get something for it.

You are very correct but you can certainly slow them down and potentially deter them to an easier target.

Would you steal a car with keys in the ignition or one next to it you have smash a window, hot wire, etc??...Pick one...I know what I'd take..
I never said to not use deterrents, only that there is no prevention. I would never tell someone to just park and leave their keys.
Even with a chain anchored to a post, a bike can be hauled away in seconds. Many bike thieves don't operate alone. They go as a group. Armed with large bolt cutters. Hell, they can easily get battery op. cutters that'll go through a large chain in seconds. Then a couple guys pick up the bike and toss it into a van and off they go. Total time, a minute if they are slow. They won't even bother with the disk lock at that time. They'll remove that later.
So, while deterrents can slow them down, or make a bike look less tempting, insurance comes in at that time.

Another reason for the insurance is if the theft is botched, there will almost assuredly be damage to the bike.
You are very correct but you can certainly slow them down and potentially deter them to an easier target.

Would you steal a car with keys in the ignition or one next to it you have smash a window, hot wire, etc??...Pick one...I know what I'd take..

I would agree with both of you, but in USA (as per my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong), Insurance sucks big time (never owned insurance policy myself back in India, I'm 21 when I moved to USA and my dad used to take care of such stuff).
My choice is, take full coverage, if the bike is stolen, you'll get a new one or if it is just damaged, you can go for claim for repairs, in both the case, the premium would go high.
So, to replace the stolen bike, you'll get a vgood return in check, with some $ premium in increase annually, if it is damaged, you can claim for exact amount of repairs which will be 0.8 X $ premium would increase.
So, in my case, I have Scorpio-900 remote with 2-way communication and RFID and make sure I park under the camera or in the camera covered zone with full coverage insurance.

If I get full amount of money, I know what this bike's potential is, I may buy the same one with all the mods required, done by others for the same price I purchased a stock one OR go for a different bike which might be in my dream.

For me, once damaged is always damaged, so, once the ignition/handlebar lock/whatever is messed up, I can never accept it as before (my perspective, don't judge me, all people are different), even after fixing it with new items.
Insurance can sometimes really suck, as you said. Some are better than others, but you really have to look and ask them questions. No doubt, US insurance companies will screw you if given the chance.

I also kinda get what you mean by feeling different about a bike once damaged. My fz got tipped and no damage, but the forks tweaked a bit. Easy to straighten and handling is fine, but it still sticks in your mind.
Thanks for the advice, guys. I think I've gota good plan for now with the cover and disc lock, and I'll order a chain and lock once I see the place I'll be parking.

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