Metzler fans... Help- z6 vs z8's


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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Looking for tires as I noticed my angels just broke thru the wear bars today... I see people posting reviews about the z6's getting 10k+ miles on a rear.

My main goal for the next set of tires is mileage vs track-grade grip... Commuting to school is gonna be a biggie the next year or so.

So here's where I'm going with this...

Personal experiences of mileage on the z6 and z8... What are you getting out of a rear?

Anybody used both? Which do you prefer?

I had planned on going z8's but never heard of the z6 til I started looking. Both get good reviews and the z6 is cheaper, which helps with the college loans but I'm undecided since I've never used either.

Help me decide!
from what i remember the z6 is the older tyre and i think it was replaced by the z8, so i would look at the z8 since the z6 has been a couple of years out of production. the z6 are not featured in metzeler's site.

i can give you some info on the z6 tho. my friend uses them on a suzuki 750 naked. installed them new when they were still in production some 4 or 5 years ago. he loves them, he s a pretty fast rider too and takes corners with gusto. they never missed a beat. in the wet he said only when he had to cross over the painted white lines that the tyres twitched. so if the z6 are this good i bet the z8 are a tad better. there are better guys tho to give you more info on the z8's since they use them.

happy shopping
^^^^ correct :) the Z8's are the replacement for the Z6 & are a step up again from the brilliant Z6.

The Z8 is amazing in the wet & the dry , mileage is brilliant !! Just put a new front on after getting 23000 k's of the first one :eek: :eek:

As for track day , NO hestitation whatsoever doing a track day on Z8's. I have a photo here somewhere from the last trackday I photographed of a guy on a VTR shod with Z8's & he was happily dragging his knee through all the turns :thumbup:
just maintain your tyre pressures good rubber doesn't negate routine maintenance, and while it inspires confidence, only experience will make YOU a better rider
I speak from experience on the pressures you will still get squirrelly on low air doesn't matter what brand and the new grip is awesome, just don't over estimate what YOU know you can handle
over confidence = possible strife
be careful out there

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner and it works every time !
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Thanks guys good to know... So basically it's like PR 2s vs PR 3s lol.

Any odd wear on the z8's? Friend told me he thought he read something about the 8's cupping funny
Dont know where he read this !! I have had 2 sets of Z6's & im onto my second set of Z8's & I have never experienced any odd wear patterns...

I'm thinking it was probably a tire pressure issue not a tyre structure one. Low pressures do weird things to tyre wear
I'm a fan of Metzeler...period!

I've used the M3's and currently set on the M5's. Love em!

The Z8's are supposed to have incredible life and stick well. I don't think you can go wrong there. :)
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