Lou Pritchett is afraid...


It's not over...
Apr 14, 2008
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...and after reading his letter, I just might have to agree with him. I'm not one to get into politics very deeply, but I got this in an email and checked to see if it was legit. According snopes.com, it is.

snopes.com: An Open Letter to President Obama - Lou Pritchett

He definitely makes some interesting points about our commander in chief. I'm not sure how to feel about President Obama. What do you guys think?
Lou is 100% correct ! Freedom loving people of America should be afraid of losing their rights and freedom. You don't hang out with terrorist, Radicals, Communist,Marxist and Bigot's for over 20 year's unless you are one of them. He tried to hide who he really was and the media help him get elected. He smooth talked his way to the white house. And now we have the first half white half black Communist President of the United States,we made history!
You don't hang out with terrorist, Radicals, Communist,Marxist and Bigot's for over 20 year's unless you are one of them. He tried to hide who he really was

I'm intrigued...what is this about his past affiliations that is so dodgy? Were he and Putin chums back in private school? :D
I'm intrigued...what is this about his past affiliations that is so dodgy? Were he and Putin chums back in private school? :D

If obama and the media had told the truth about his past and his affiliations Mccain would be president. Putin would never hang out with a weasel like obama.
The New York times didn't publish that letter because it is nothing more than the rantings of a man who has lost touch with reality.

If one believes in those unfounded and veiled accusations masquerading as questions, there is no need for anyone to waste time attempting to change their minds.
So Oscar are you saying he didnt attend church with Wright? Or that he didnt spend time with William Ayers? That he didnt spend time with Tony Rezko? That he did spend his formative years in the US. That the democrats do stand up to him?