Kamikaze Squirrels???


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Aug 13, 2008
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Boyne City, Mi
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While out for a spirited ride today, I encountered Kamikaze Squirrels on two separate occasions about 10 miles apart.

The first Squirrel crossed the road about 200-300 feet in front of me. Made it to the opposite shoulder and then turned back around and ran into my lane. The little bugger must have changed direction within my lane at least 10 times. This was taking place on a downhill section of roadway which was also curving to the left. I slowed my pace a bit and tried to move away from where the Squirrel was sitting.

Just as I was getting ready to ride past the Squirrel, it ran directly into the path of my bike and I felt a faint "thump" as both tires squished the little guy.
It sucks that I killed the Squirrel, but it sure beats the alternative of crashing my bike by trying to avoid him. The hill that I was descending was partially covered with gravel from last nights rain and I would have certainly lost control on the stones if I attempted any quick evasive moves.

Anybody else have similar experiences with animals?

BTW, the second Squirrel survived:thumbup:
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I commonly ride on a certain road that has a steep bank on both sides with no guard rails. When I drive by it spooks birds that are sitting in the bushes beside the road. I've killed so many birds with my bike. It scares the crap out of me every time. I've slowed down and just putter through that part of the road now.
Haven't encountered a kamikaze squirrel, but we have racer rabbits out here. They'll line up on the side of the road then sprint in your lane as you drive by. Every now and then they dart further into the lane rather than off to the side of the road and they go thump pretty good. :eek:
at least you did it right! never try swerve and make a dangerous moove on your bike to avoid a small animal even if its your wifes cat... better it then you sounds cruel but i had a friend injured really bad because of a dog that ran infront of him and he tried to avoid it and wrecked into a tree...
at least it wasn't a dog. i hit one of those a few weeks back with my tow truck. i felt pretty bad about that. mostly when i found the owner and had to tell them. i'll hit a squirrel
It---if you ask me---takes a good intuition of squirrels to avoid striking them. I bank of them doing a 180 after they have ALREADY cleared my path and re-entering the danger zone. If I see a squirrel darting (or about to) in front of me I let off the gas but, at the same time, try to conveyto the squirrel that I'm (we all know that the squirrel ISN'T) assertive. I try not to react to every indecisive squirrel move. So far, I have managed to not hit one (in my cager or m/c) but a few times I have marveled at how precision it must have been to have avoided a strike. I will slow down beforehand whenever one of those erratic creatures are about to cross paths with me. Yeah, those squirrels are something else!
I've had squirrels do this to me too. Actually, the last animal to give it life trying to make me crash was a ground squirrel. I also tried to avoid it but still felt the tiny squish.
Your story sounds very familiar, recently I was on the way home with my three girls in the back and a squirrel did the double-take across the road in front of me, barely missed him. Not 10 minutes later another squirrel did the same thing, this guy wasn't so lucky, he crossed in front of me, did the double-take and ran back in front of me, right under my tires. Same deal, faint thud and dead squirrel. The girls gave me some grief about that let me tell ya! Squirrels are so stupid! Darwin was right.
I only clicked on this thread vbecause im'd runk.

Squirrels are the dumbest creaturers alive. I mean yeah it sucks to kill any creature but face it, they are dumb and I am not sad when they dart out into traffic and get run over.

Good thing you didn't spill!
killed squrrils with every bike Iv'e owned. The last one I hit did a stoppie at my front wheel jumped up and my right boot scooped him up in the air a couple feet. Ouch I felt that even with my alpinestar race boot on. (another reason for ATGATT)

Never even think much about hitting the little buggers. It's our suicidal forest rats that scare me.