Impromptu ride to Bear Mountain NY


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Wife and I were planning to ride to VT this weekend, but the forecast looked really bad and while I don't mind riding in the rain, my wife convinced me it just wouldn't be that much fun (at least not for her).

Consolation prize: OK forecast for today, so we headed out for a nice loop to Bear Mountain and back! Ended up clocking about 250 miles.. 7+ hours in the saddle. Took a lot of picturesque roads (riding by lakes + fall colors.. just awesome!).

Did end up getting rained on pretty hard at the farthest point away from home (thank God for rain gear!), but it was well worth it!

Really wish I'd taken more pictures (a LOT more), but the riding was just too good to keep pulling over. Well.. better some than none :D






Nice pix, thanks for sharing.
I did some local riding and got rained on as well, and like you.... was thankful for having rain gear set aside.

i was riding around bear mtn today too around 1pm w another guy n i got hit by the rain as well but unfortunately i didnt have my rain gear :(
i was riding around bear mtn today too around 1pm w another guy n i got hit by the rain as well but unfortunately i didnt have my rain gear :(

Yeah.. was gonna call you, but then decided to just ride with the misses at a casual pace.
It looks really nice up there! Great pics too!
It's there a name for that loop around the lake?

Don't know if there's a name, but you must come up and ride these roads one of these days. The roads I usually take you on (NJ/PA) are very good, but this is next level both in terms of twistyness and scenery :thumbup:
Beautiful area! Great pics!

Been a long time but are those bridges Penn/NJ Delaware River?
I was up in the area closer to Monroe. Wish I had known about you and Quickflick. Would love to have ridden with you guys again.
Yeah.. was gonna call you, but then decided to just ride with the misses at a casual pace.

lol "casual pace" :BLAA: i dont ride at a casual pace lol... that day i was goin super slow like 35-40 max i was w my neighbor thats new to riding

I was up in the area closer to Monroe. Wish I had known about you and Quickflick. Would love to have ridden with you guys again.

im thinking of starting a group ride now maybe Saturday or Sunday 10/13-10/14:rockon:
Don't know if there's a name, but you must come up and ride these roads one of these days. The roads I usually take you on (NJ/PA) are very good, but this is next level both in terms of twistyness and scenery :thumbup:

I had this looooong reply post, but I get these security checks now:confused:
May you are referring to seven lakes drive. Road that takes on top is called Perkins memorial.

Its been while since last group ride!

I had found out about that NY ride too late to get clearance from the lady to go. My next 2 weekends are shot do to fam coming out and a field trip for work to NC.
i forgot to ask did u see a lot of cops around the area bc i heard there's a killer on the loose in harriman state park around where we ride lol seriously

check it out:
Police end New York state park manhunt in hopes suspect in fatal shooting will surrender | Fox News

Just makes the ride more exciting! We did pass one checkpoint, but I'm pretty sure they were just checking registration. He did stop me and checked the back of the bike. I was afraid he'd ticket me for fender eliminator, but he let us go without any trouble :thumbup: