I Just Couldn't Take it Anymore

Gary in NJ

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May 6, 2014
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Amoungst the Twisty Roads
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With an expected 12-18 inches of snow due tomorrow, followed by a week of cold weather, I got out on my FZ today to take a late winter ride. I generally don't like to get out until the roads are cleared of the sand and salt at the intersections, but I figured if I didn't get out today (50 degrees-not too cold) it may be another 3 or more weeks before I could ride.

This was my first ride since undergoing a naked conversion. I will not miss that wretched windscreen. Even in 50 degree weather I was so happy with the smooth airflow over my helmet and body. I did notice that my instrument cluster bounced a bit, so over the next 3 weeks I will find a way to further secure it.

This was my 45th spring time ride after waiting for winter to end. It's always exciting to finally get back out and ride. I hoped I never lose that feeling.