I have started the journey of becoming a Motorcycle Instructor!


Well I did my final weekend of the Novice Skills Course observation. It consisted of Saturday being 4 hours of riding and 4 hours of theory and Sunday was some warm up/practice riding and then performing the MSA test (Motorcycle Skills Assesment).

Saturday was pretty much the same as the previous Saturday and it was nice to see the class progressing and bonding with eachother.

On Sunday during the course setup, the head instructor informed me that since I was the only "instructor" who had their riding gear with them (the others took their cars), that I, not the instructor doing his practicum, was going to do the demonstration ride of performing the MSA test!!! It's been over 4 years since I've done it. So I got about 10 minutes to warm up on the little 150cc bikes (man it felt weird after 4 years riding my FZ6!!). I managed to do an ok job of it, but pooched up both my U-turns a little and clipped a cone each time. Took my eyes off the exit both times and looked down at the cones. Rusty. Oh well, the class got a kick out of it as did I. I figure not bad for only getting 10 minutes for warmup on a strage bike and the students have had 14+ hours to perpare for their tests!

I did them fine in my warm up with some pretty nice and tight figure 8's too. Guess the presure of being under the microscope got to me just like it does the students!

I am wanting to practice this more on the 150cc bikes and I'm pretty sure I will get the opportunity as I belive I have to ride the course at "Instructor Level" before I become certified as an instructor (as I should be able to practice what I preach!!), so I have a lot of refresshing to work on! I am also dying to practice and try it on my FZ6!! I want to get proficient at it on my FZ6, that would really blow student's minds!

More details on my Blog: http://www.600riders.com/forum/blogs/boneman/
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Down here during our Instructor's training course, we were required to bring our safety gear all seven days. Since my FZ is my only ride, I didn't have that problem.

Today, never seen so many bikes dumped out on the range. Maybe it was the heat? A nice toasty 106 degrees today here in Vegas, the black asphault had to be much hotter.
If you ever have a need to get away and spend a few days down here in Vegas, you're more than welcome to come down and observe or better yet, be an aide. Help with the cones and even ride some demos. I'm teaching the next two weekends. And on the weekends I'm not, there's always a class going on. We're year round.