Holy silver headers, Batman!


Your pic reminds me of the old Counter Strike Source days. Everyone had that as their spray. Man, I miss the gun game server on Up in Smoke! and my knife sound.

Ah, to be twenty again...

LOL....funny thing you said that. My screen name was made from Counter strike game back in college. Ohh man did we have fun with this game. We got so good at that we had tournaments against other dorms for lots of money. On average game was $15 a head times like 20 plus so yeah its adds up nice.
the steel wool was it more like this:


or this:


I've tried both the Autosol paste and liquid polish, and have found the liquid easier to apply. I tried the steel wool method and it rocks! Probably the fastest polish my pipes have had, apart from the problem I just used standard steel wool, which made the exhaust surfaces look a bit dull, not quite as shiny as before. But they're clean and rust free, and I'm happy with the result!
I'm not really into the new design of the t-rex sliders. I ordered another pair to replace one I messed up and the new design ones are a bit shorter on each side and have those little grooves etched around them. I emailed t-rex and they keep stating that the length is exactly the same...even though I've got both gens of the sliders in front of me :spank:

Anyhow, your headers look amazing, I'll have to do this before I mount my belly pan.