Grab Handle


Running Moderator
Elite Member
Mar 9, 2008
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San Jose, California (GMT -8)
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When I bought my bike I noticed the grab handle was scratched. The dealership ordered me a new one and when it came in, they wanted a whole day to install it. Being a former auto mechanic and not willing to part with my new ride for a whole day, I picked up the part and switched it out myself. I wouldn't recommend doing it for something as minor as me. It took about 1.5 hours but for someone less anal than me, that's probably 1 hour.

First, take the seat off. You're going to want to take the whole grab handle assembly off, which includes the handle itself and the black part underneath. There are a total of six bolts/screws that hold the assembly on; two under the seat, two on the sides, and two underneath. There is also a wiring connector for the taillight that needs to be disconnected.

Once you get the six bolts/screws out, slide the handle assembly off the back. It doesn't slip right off; you just have to work it off. There is a tab that slips into the fender below the tailpipes, just work that out backwards, there is no screw holding it in place.

Take the taillight and black part off of the grab handles. There are two screws and several tabs that hold the two pieces together. Be careful not to break the tabs.

Here's the not so fun part. The new handle comes minus some foam pieces that are glued onto the original. You have to remove them from the old piece and glue them to the new one. They tear easily so you have to be careful when removing them. To glue them onto the new handle, I just used about a 1/16th layer of silicone glue. The foam soaks it up so make sure you put enough glue on. There are also two rubber grommets and two slip-on bolts that aren't a big deal to swap.

Once you're finished, just reverse the order to get the grab handle back on!
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