FZ6 on it's side surrounded by Harleys...DOH!


Junior Cheeseburger
Jul 20, 2008
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Western Wisconsin
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A buddy of mine and I recently took a 700+ mile weekend trip up to northern Minnesota through Duluth and up to Grand Marais. On Saturday we rode a charity ride with about 75 other bikes, mostly Harleys.

We pull in to this little bar with a loose gravel parking lot. I come riding in, all cool and $hit on my FZ, come to a stop and put both feet down. My right foot slides straight out and down goes my bike, in a gravel parking lot surrounded by Harleys :ban:

I will say this, when your bike goes down in a parking lot surrounded by other bikes, there's no shortage of people helping you pick it back up. Even Harley riders are cool that way :thumbup: I didn't even get any grief, at least not to my face...

The picture below shows the result (thank God for frame sliders). A couple of scrapes on the engine case, a marred up frame slider, and a scuff on my coolant hose...oh yeah, and damaged pride :banghead:

Anyone know a good product to restore the black on the engine?
I did almost the same damage when I dropped mine in the drive a few months back.
The advice to me was use a "Sharpie" pen(permanent marker) to go over the scratches and it works a treat. On my Oggy Knobs (F/S) i just used a little wet/dry paper to smooth out the graze

glad no one gave you a roasting, probably coz everyone was hoping it wouldn't happen to them too (what goes around, comes around)
Well that is definately a Hall of Shame moment. Glad to hear that even the Harley riders were there to help. They're not that bad after all.