FZ6 as a tourer?


Junior Member
Oct 24, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia
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Hi All.
Thought id just share a recent experience with you.
I have just moved (permanently) to Tassie from BrisVegas and decided to ride down rather than pack my baby up in a crate with my gear.
Ok, so i will admit perhaps that wasnt the best idea in mid july, but i had a blast.
I allowed 4 days (including a full night on the ferry) to get here and i have to say the ONLY discomfort i had to report on the trip was the severe frostbite and a bit of nasty hyperthermia after hammering along in about 7 hours of rain (while it was around 9 degrees) coming into melbourne. NO sore ass at all. And thats a pretty big claim considering i clocked up around 2600 kms.
I also had a HUGE 70L duffle bag, backpack and full tankbag on so to say it was cramped would be quite the understatement.
But no saddle pains. I was actually quite surprised myself.
Lets see our mates on the R6's or even a Gixxer boast the same.
As for the route, i pretty much stuck to the new england highway and then also went thru albury on the hume highway.
I took Putty road coming into campbelltown and i have to say i was devastated that it was so cold and wet coz this would have to arguably be the best bike road in the country. I have seen the great ocean road and it has nothing on this dream of a road. Miles and miles of beautiful hairpins and evenly rounded corners carved into the mountainside and the surface was mostly flaweless. ALL corners were properly signposted (which i actually think makes riders lazy and co-dependant) and i must have passed no more than a half dozen cars the whole way.
Seriously, i was heartbroken it was wet. Had i not been in so much pain and frostbitten i would have stuck around and waited for some decent weather but i had a boat to catch.
If only i decided to get these BarkBusters fitted BEFORE the trip. DOH.

Anyways guys, just wanted to share my epic trip with you and take this opportunity to declare by undying love for my Fizzer. Seriously, i may never find a women (or man?!) that can please me the way this bike does.


Stay safe kids.

Yes, i agree, the FZ6 is a great bike to tour on...

Now that your in Tassie, you will have to come along for a ride with us lot, that are coming down that way in February next year.

Fo Sho Wolfman. That would be sweet. Im based just south of hobart and am itching for some warmer weather so i can go and check out these "99 bends" that everyone is talking about. Queenstown is a decent ride from here but even that leg is littered with some twistys. I LOVE this state!
Fo Sho Wolfman. That would be sweet. Im based just south of hobart and am itching for some warmer weather so i can go and check out these "99 bends" that everyone is talking about. Queenstown is a decent ride from here but even that leg is littered with some twistys. I LOVE this state!

Well, with you and FZ6Tas about the place, plus the 5 bikes that are coming over from WA, Queensland , and SA, it should be a great week! Would be great if you could join us for at least one of our 5-6 tours, whilst we are there...if not more! :D

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Sounds great mate. Count me in. Ive just PM'd "FZ6 Tas" also.
Oh and btw, my fizzer aint orange. Ive got that wicked white with red stripe thing going on.
Sounds great mate. Count me in. Ive just PM'd "FZ6 Tas" also.
Oh and btw, my fizzer aint orange. Ive got that wicked white with red stripe thing going on.
Can't wait to compare it to mine Heath :thumbup:

We'll have the 'hottest' looking bikes there (ok, Wolfman's bike might look ok ;)), what with the XJR armchairs tagging along :rof:
Can't wait to compare it to mine Heath :thumbup:

We'll have the 'hottest' looking bikes there (ok, Wolfman's bike might look ok ;)), what with the XJR armchairs tagging along :rof:

And what bike is going to be carrying most of your crap ? :D
Dont worry Concours honours on this trip wont be going to me!!! I will be on the "Mule", and it's getting uglier by the day...Dual horns hanging off each side of the bike... mirror extenders that make the mirrors look like antenna's, gear hanging off every conceivable location, power outlets tacked into a couple of convenient, but not pretty locations, GPS mounted to the flyscreen, geeky hand guards, christ, i am even looking at cup holders i can jam on there somewhere....OEM pipes! :eek:

But i will have a couple of "Secret weapons"...ohlins front fork internals, braided lines in plain black sheafing, and a PCIII hiding under the seat...tuned for touring!

My tip is that the 2 blinged up white fizzers, will win the day!

Yeah, just did 600 kilometres in sub - ten degrees to Shepparton accross the great divide with me mate on his 1982 BMW R100RS which is original and 40,000 klicks on the clock.
The Fazer is more economical and has the grunt.
Oh yeah. me saddle bags are held in place with fencing wire until I get me custom Wolfman brackets!!!

Rushworth main street, yesterday.
Raining down under, bring it on.

whoops, forgot to mention , this week in Vic at ALDA, gps for bikes on special and wet weather gear and bike covers. I bought a bike cover for $30 and it fits fine, tested it out yesterday in the frost!!
Ride safe friends.
I took an overnight camping trip up to Jasper last weekend with a couple people. The FZ6 was great, comfortable and easy to load up. 1200 km with no problems.
I took an overnight camping trip up to Jasper last weekend with a couple people. The FZ6 was great, comfortable and easy to load up. 1200 km with no problems.

im also in calgary and i toured vancouver island (3500)km only complaint is the stock windshield doesnt block any wind