For Sale: biuts and pieces FZ6 S1 2005


Junior Member
Dec 23, 2011
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For Sale: bits and pieces FZ6 S1 2005 (NOW WITH PICS!)

Pictures and a couple of items added!
Sadly, my ’05 FZ6 has been written off so while I wait for the payout I might as well get rid of some of the parts I was keeping.
Putting it here for the Australian fizzers as posting it overseas is not really worth it.
All items available for pickup in Sydney CBD/Randwick.
(Note: This has been posted in other sites)
  • Ventura L-bracket, Pack Rack (PF14) and Grab Handle (GH14).
    SOLD $80 (plus post)
  • FZ6 S1 swingarm.
    SOLD $50 (plus post)
  • FZ6 stock exhaust.
    SOLD $75 (plus post)
  • FZ6 stock handlebars.
    SOLD $25 (plus post)
  • FZ6 clear rear light cover.
    $10 (plus post)
  • FZ6 stock levers.
    SOLD $20 (plus post)
  • FZ6 rear fender.
    $10 (plus post)
Reply to this post or PM me for any questions.
Pictures available on request (once I get home!)
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Re: For Sale: bits and pieces FZ6 S1 2005

Pics of the l-bracket, pack rack and grab handle please?
Gday Not4us,
Any chance the timing cover, a bar end, or your headers survived? :rolleyes:
Hope you're ok though! (Bloody Sydney traffic eh!)
Tell me about it! (the traffic)
I experience it everyday and it never ceases to amaze me how some people are even allowed in our roads/streets...
Regarding the parts, sadly the bike was taken away by the insurance company and it's all theirs now :(

that ventura bracket looks like its off the old model fazer 98-2003
They were from y 2005 FZ6 (had them on, that's the only bit I took off before insurance company took the bike) and they have been sold since and are now being used on another FZ6.