Driver purposely hits Motorcycle trying to pass

What is wrong with people? To deliberately cause harm to someone because they THEY want to be in front? Some folks just don't belong, Take away their license, their freedom and maybe a few teeth.
Old guy claimed a bee stung him in the crotch and he swerved without meaning to; wishes he could go back in time and do things differently.

This video sums up why trying to be a vigilante doesn't really work so well. Trying to 'punish' a minor infraction led to a lot of injury and hassle, whereas it could have just been "bike passes car, life goes on."
What he committed was attempted murder. Even a chimp isn't that mentally or emotionally messed up. He won't do well where he's going....
I understand helmet cam footage documents him originally saying he did it on purpose, then coming up with the bee story when the gravity of the situation set in. I know I don't ride without a camera.
I saw this the other day and it was shocking and upsetting to watch.
Glad the driver of the car is getting done. No excuse for what he did.
It seems that riding without a camera these days means people like this will get away scott free.
He admitted on camera to swerving intentionally. He should have been charged with attempted murder and let him plea down to vehicular assault, or some such lesser charge. Guy is lucky he didnt kill someone, I dont know I'd have been so calm as the guy with the helmet cam if i saw someone do this to one of my friends. Oh and this is EXACTLY why I wear a helmet cam!!
Criminally, the driver will probably get hammered. From a civil perspective, however, the rider may not be able to fully recover from the driver as he was contributorily negligent in passing over the double yellows. Not condoning what the driver did (he's a lunatic) but it's something to consider when taking risk. In some states (like VA) you can't recover anything at all if you're contributorily negligent - even 1%: