communications class speech.


Junior Member
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
las vegas
I am making an informative speech on motorcycle safety and basic stunting.
my purpose is
I am going to inform my audience on motorcycle safety and how to perform some basic stunt riding.

I need 5 sources I would really appreciate any help with this including safety riding tips and stunting tips.
For the stunting bit I think I will discuss how to perform a basic power up wheeli. :Sport:

Any help would be great : )
There are many books available today for motorcycle safety. I really like those written by David L. Hough. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation [USA] also has great information as well.

As far as "stunting"... in your speech with safety I dunno. :confused:

There are ways to stunt with safety in mind but the term stunting kind of goes against safety. When I took speech communication, I would have liked to hear such topics.

Have fun.
yah I figured it would be good to talk about stunting because it will keep people more interested. I will say that stunting should be done on private property and how risky and unsafe it really is on public roads.
How long is the speech? If it's less than 10 min (which I'm sure it is since this sounds like a basic college course), then you're much better off sticking to ONE topic (motorcycle safety). Motorcycle safety will be interesting enough if you present it right... especially compared to the fat girl next to you that will give a speech on her fried chicken recipe. Trust me, I've been there!

You can hit it from a couple different angles: Gear, Training/Skills, and Defensive Riding Strategy.

Give an example of each, throw in some statistics, maybe bring in your gear to pass around to the class, and you're good to go.

You might already know this, but the most important thing is to PRACTICE your speech a ton before you have to give it. :thumbup:

For sources, do some Google searches for "motorcycle safety". It's 2008, all your references can be from the internet.

Hope that helps!
yah thanks I had to get topic approval in advance and I cant change it now. I figure the wheeli will take a minute or two. The rest of the time will be dedicated to safety. Its and 8 min presentation.
yah thanks I had to get topic approval in advance and I cant change it now. I figure the wheeli will take a minute or two. The rest of the time will be dedicated to safety. Its and 8 min presentation.

If you're only going to spend a minute on it, I would skip the wheelie all together. People will complain that they wanted to hear more about it, but if you never mention it, they won't even know. I second the idea of you bringing in your gear to pass around, or (even better) invite people up to look at. See if you can find a buddy who wore his/hers in a wreck. Destroyed gear is a good way to show how safe they keep you.
You could show some videos of stunts (proper organised ones) and people falling off (or not) to get their interest, and then explain thats why you need safety gear and what stuff you need. Finish it off with a gorey picture of somebody who did not have the right gear.

Or the other way round.

It should have a beginning a middle and an end but not necessarily in that order.
" There I was naked in the elevator"......."Now that I have your attention welcome my name is..."
Hi Danny,

I am sorry for my previous comment, another example of how British humour fails to travel.

I have to present short topics on a regular basis and also assess other people on their presentation skills.

The rules that we go by in medical presentation are these:


Ensure that the room is well ventilated and at a good temperature. To hot people fall asleep, to cold they fidget to maintain warmth.
Do not go for the first slot after lunch to present. As you are aware when people eat digestion diverts oxygen away from the brain to the gut and you gat that yawning syndrome happening.


Go to the room and decide how you wan the ergonomics changed to ensure you engage the audience. Do you want to foster an open discussion or do you want to lead the discussion? The former is better. Ensure that if you are relying on IT equipment you can operate it and you have a view of your presentation with out turning your back on the audience.


If you set out the relevance and importance of the topic from the first sentence you will engage your audience. An example may be a statistic about helmet safety for example. What ever you use it has to mean something to all the group or grab their interest.


Terminate the session with time for questions to be asked and answered fully. After the questions have been answered go back to the key points of your presentation.

How to set out the presentation

The average person will only engage in a topic for six minutes if it is of no purpose to them. What do your audience want from you? If you have a student who is being disruptive of falling asleep don’t let it put you off. This is your floor let them know you are in control. I always ask the person are you ok? Don’t worry you can go out and get some air for a few minutes. No one has ever taken me up on that offer. Your first words or slide needs to set out the aim and the relevance of the session. Then you set out the objectives.
The next slide then tells them how this will be achieved “I will demonstrate this through video demonstration ect”, we will then explore the pitfalls and how to reduce the risk. Finally I will ask you to lead a sort discussion on safety equipment.

Then deliver your lecture allowing time to answer questions. Be ready to deflect questions that steer you away from the main point. “That’s an excellent thought, we will discuss this at the end” If one person is dominating the questions deflect the question to a student who wants to say something but can’t get into the flow. “What do you feel about that point?”

Finally terminate the session with are there any question? Answer these questions and finish with a summary of the key points. This allows you to have their full attention to terminate the session.

I also have an excellent way of teaching psycho motor skills in four steps. If you want to hear more about this then PM me as I don’t want to bore you all.

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Cmon guys if anyone has a really good quote to start of the speech that would be great.

I found all these at: Safety Quotes and Slogans

I sorted through them and picked out the ones that made the most sense:

A danger foreseen is half avoided.

A fugitive from the laws of averages: A person who doesn't wear their helmet while driving a motorcycle.

Accidents hurt -- safety doesn't

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Better late in this world than early to the next.

Crashing sucks

Don't learn safety by accident.

Drive like people out there are trying to kill you, because they are!

Expect the unexpected. Gear up for safety

Experience is something you get 2 second AFTER you need it.

Good habits will normally keep you out of bad trouble.

Health and safety, words to live by.

If the little voice says, "I wonder if this is safe to do?", it probably isn't.

If you don't think it will happen to you, find the person who had it happen to them.

Is better to lose one minute in life... than to lose life in a minute.

It hurts to be unsafe.

No safety know pain, know safety no pain.

Safety can distinguish you. Lack of safety can extinguish you

There aren't many new accidents, but there sure are a lot of new victims.

Use your head figuratively—wear a helmet..

When safety is first, you last.
I found all these at: Safety Quotes and Slogans

I sorted through them and picked out the ones that made the most sense:

A danger foreseen is half avoided.

A fugitive from the laws of averages: A person who doesn't wear their helmet while driving a motorcycle.

Accidents hurt -- safety doesn't

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Better late in this world than early to the next.

Crashing sucks

Don't learn safety by accident.

Drive like people out there are trying to kill you, because they are!

Expect the unexpected. Gear up for safety

Experience is something you get 2 second AFTER you need it.

Good habits will normally keep you out of bad trouble.

Health and safety, words to live by.

If the little voice says, "I wonder if this is safe to do?", it probably isn't.

If you don't think it will happen to you, find the person who had it happen to them.

Is better to lose one minute in life... than to lose life in a minute.

It hurts to be unsafe.

No safety know pain, know safety no pain.

Safety can distinguish you. Lack of safety can extinguish you

There aren't many new accidents, but there sure are a lot of new victims.

Use your head figuratively—wear a helmet..

When safety is first, you last.

These quotes are great. I think I will leave the class of some places that you can take safety class's and the quote Don't learn safety by accident.
Thank you so much. Thanks to everyone replying as well.
reiobard did you ever take a look at your clutch foot pedal.
These quotes are great. I think I will leave the class of some places that you can take safety class's and the quote Don't learn safety by accident.
Thank you so much. Thanks to everyone replying as well.
reiobard did you ever take a look at your clutch foot pedal.

oops, nope, i forgot, I'll do it tonight...
It's all about statistics, if you know the percentages, you can reduce the percentages to your favor. If you don't, then you may put yourself at greater should get some books at Barnes and Noble, Pat Hahn's "Ride Smart Ride Hard" or something like that had a great subject regarding the Hurt report. Kind of old, but you'll get the idea. Riding a motorcyle isn't just about skill, but you have to be educated too. Example, did you know, most accidents occur within 5 minutes of your ride. Did you know, guardrails are one the leading causes of motorcycle deaths. Etc.etc....anyway, the quote I always liked besides the one that I always hear, "there are two kind of riders, one who has been down, and the ones who are going down." I always liked, "dress for the fall, not the ride." I was at a Starbucks the other day, and the cashier complemented me on how I was dressed, in full gear that is. I hate to say it, but my riding pants are going to be getting ditched as soon as it gets to triple digits, but I will always wear a riding jacket. But I am going to make a strong effort to see how long I can ride with my riding pants going into the summer.
VegasRider, I am using that quote to start of my speech the one about there are two kids of motorcyclists. I think I may use the other one also. hmm yes I go over what you should wear on the ride.