Almost tagged today


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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I was leaving post today for lunch, just left the parking lot, pulled onto the main road and was traveling at 20 mph. As I came up to an intersection with another parking lot to my left, a civilian in an SUV began to turn left towards me. She came closer and I realized that she didn't see me. I jammed on the horn a counter steered into the field to the right of me. Once she heard my horn she crapped her pants; the look on her face was priceless. Of course she was on the cell phone. I tip toed back onto the road without dumping the bike and went about my merry way. :spank: If I wasn't on post and in uniform I would have gone thermo-nuclear on her ass.

So to you "Loud pipes save lives" folks, nope - the loud ass Jardine didn't get her attention, and the four halogen headlights and the required orange Army safety vest didn't do anything either.

As soon as I hit the horn I thought of Vegasrider honking at cars all over Vegas. :D

Be careful out there!
I was leaving post today for lunch, just left the parking lot, pulled onto the main road and was traveling at 20 mph. As I came up to an intersection with another parking lot to my left, a civilian in an SUV began to turn left towards me. She came closer and I realized that she didn't see me. I jammed on the horn a counter steered into the field to the right of me. Once she heard my horn she crapped her pants; the look on her face was priceless. Of course she was on the cell phone. I tip toed back onto the road without dumping the bike and went about my merry way. :spank: If I wasn't on post and in uniform I would have gone thermo-nuclear on her ass.

So to you "Loud pipes save lives" folks, nope - the loud ass Jardine didn't get her attention, and the four halogen headlights and the required orange Army safety vest didn't do anything either.

As soon as I hit the horn I thought of Vegasrider honking at cars all over Vegas. :D

Be careful out there!
I'm gonna get me one of those air horn's...glad you're allright man..:thumbup: :rockon: :D
Although we can't rely on our horn 100%, it can be one of only two outs you have.

Use it and hope they hear it and catch their attention so that they can change or stop their path of travel, or you concentrate and execute some type of corrective measure by swerving or braking. But if you have the memory and skill to utilize both at the sametime, you just doubled your chances of coming out without a scratch.

There isn't a ride that I go on without covering my horn, practically every intersection I go thru I have my horn covered at all times.

Good job Pete!
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you must have been short on the legally required number of reflectors on the bike. this could all have been avoided with an additional reflector or two.

shame on you. it is all too easy to blame the cager, my friend.

(but good to hear you dodged yet another one)
Thanks everyone, a t-bone would have ruined my day.

You're right lone, more reflectors, or is it cowbell??? :D
well, im from the prairies so cagers would just think the cowbells were actual cows. stupid cagers.
glad that you made it out alright, it always gets me that they can almost KILL you and not even stop to say "sorry, i was wrong, My bad" half the time they get pissed at you since you are on a bike...
.... the required orange Army safety vest didn't do anything either.

Please pass this information to my base commander, he's about to make them required at all times. I'm betting instead of wearing armored jackets like they've been doing, 90% of the riders will just throw the vest over their uniform to avoid the extra hassle of carrying all that crap.
Please pass this information to my base commander, he's about to make them required at all times. I'm betting instead of wearing armored jackets like they've been doing, 90% of the riders will just throw the vest over their uniform to avoid the extra hassle of carrying all that crap.

Oh I agree. The National Guard has these huge motorcycle safety banners that are posted at the gates. They show a rider, on a Harley of course, wearing a pudding bowl helmet, sunglasses, gloves and a big ass orange vest. I can't believe that some idiot thinks that this is appropriate gear. Motorcycle accidents are one of the top five causes of CONUS military deaths and they let Soldiers wear pudding bowls, amazing...
Good to see you avoided it Pete. As for not hearing the Jardine's, ya must have been in the wrong gear... Try keeping it in 1st when only doing 20Mph... :spank:

Bloody cellphones, they should :ban: the stupid things.

SUV + lady driver + cell phone = motorcyclists are completely invisible :mad:
I've had the above combination make a left turn in front of me on more than one occasion. It's a little less scary now that I fully anticipate every cager to do the stupidest possible thing he/she can do, but no guarantees still.
Glad you made it out safe!
I was leaving post today for lunch, just left the parking lot, pulled onto the main road and was traveling at 20 mph. As I came up to an intersection with another parking lot to my left, a civilian in an SUV began to turn left towards me. She came closer and I realized that she didn't see me. I jammed on the horn a counter steered into the field to the right of me. Once she heard my horn she crapped her pants; the look on her face was priceless. Of course she was on the cell phone. I tip toed back onto the road without dumping the bike and went about my merry way. :spank: If I wasn't on post and in uniform I would have gone thermo-nuclear on her ass.

So to you "Loud pipes save lives" folks, nope - the loud ass Jardine didn't get her attention, and the four halogen headlights and the required orange Army safety vest didn't do anything either.

As soon as I hit the horn I thought of Vegasrider honking at cars all over Vegas. :D

Be careful out there!

Loud pipes, bright lights, and bright colors do nothing for certain types of people. It's not a problem with the aforementioned items, it's a problem with the person!

Glad you're okay.
Instead of wearing the required floping it the wind vest check into Icon they have some Mil Spec vests that fit and a backpack that exceeds requirement. I have the backpack it has short sleeves also although I haven't been wearing them I'm going to start. :Flash:
Instead of wearing the required floping it the wind vest check into Icon they have some Mil Spec vests that fit and a backpack that exceeds requirement. I have the backpack it has short sleeves also although I haven't been wearing them I'm going to start. :Flash:

Im am also in the army and the ICON Mil Spec vest does nothing for most drivers. If anything it seems like it attracts attention and they swerve twords you.

To the OP good for you Pete on averting the situation. Being observant is the only thing we have against cagers
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Lots of guys have the Icon vest, I can't stand it and I'm not going to spend $50 on it. I can get "road guard" vests for free from supply. It fit over my riding jacket and assault pack. Yeah they look like hell but they're free.