Almost got killed by lady Drivers
I don't want to get rear ended like this, there are many more videos similar to this.
That is the reason I stay on the driver side of the lane, to see the driver's face in the side mirror.
I learned from MSF, in 2012;

For example:
at 1:30. and 2:30;
The reason I go next to the car is again, to avoid being in the video from first video.

Here is another similar ones of the first one:
I would add, to the double lane left turn, down here, easily 75% of the time, they'll change lanes into yours.

If I'm in that same position, I simply out accelerate (nothing wild needed) and get away from the potential threat...

One of my biggest pet peeves, driver or riders not turning into their nearest lane. Therefore I try to force them to stay in their lane every time with my horn covered. It's a dangerous game but I like to force the issue and will use my horn if they begin going wide. Sometimes I pick the outside lane on those double or triple left hand turn lanes just for this purpose.
You got off your bike to tell two lady's that ran out of gas they need to push the car off the road? Why didn't you be a man and offer to help? I am floored by your arrogance! I don't know how men are in your country but real men in America offer to help ladies you sorry ass.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

I was WOT by your ignorance, lol.
Anyway, forget about the country I come from, but definitely, your country woman has that kind of arrogance you expected in me, to ask me whether I'm a cop.
Not only her, when I asked another black lady, why her BMW ass doesn't indicate while making a turn, she asked me the same question, "Are you a cop?"

You bet I wished I was a cop, to give her ticket right then and there for that arrogance ass.

Coming back to this lady:
1. She was breastfeeding the baby, in the front seat, with no seat belt; for suppose, none of the cars were able to stop, and ran into that vehicle, guess who will get hit first. At this point, first thing that came into my mind, is to call Social services, which I'm paying taxes for, and get the baby away from this dumbass bitch. I can already see what that baby will turn into. I better stop talking about that point here, as you know where I'm going. The car is not turned on, I'm not sure the airbags will deploy[1].
2. She cut my sensible questions and asked her stupid question, "Are you a cop?"
3. She won't answer me properly (because, you guessed it, I'm not a cop), but she still needs my help, to push her big ass worthless piece of ****ty van, aside of the road.
4. I'm one innocent fool who still helped her, you know why? Just because of that baby in the car and I don't want another innocent fellow* on the road to get hurt.

Don't worry dude, I'm not angry at you, because, I too had my head up in my ass when I was a child, but I grew up, you'll also learn from your mistakes one day. Afterall, we all are humans, we make mistakes and learn from them.
[1] Do airbags deploy if the car is turned off? - AnandTech Forums
I'm not sure whether these answers are correct, but this logic works for me, as an answer: car off = no electronic sensors creating signals

* Innocent? Nah.! If you see the video again, there is one Accord, which doesn't see me waving even, should've left such people, who thinks their cell-phone/message/make-up is important than other's life, should run into that vehicle, but again, there is a baby on board (with no such labels on the car though.) make me think twice and still waved the car to stop and diverted the traffic.
The actual road of the Minivan Video:
You can see there is no visibility of such hazards on the road, not only me, but no one has any idea. That was my mistake of bad editing, removing the main part of the video in the previous one.!

This video is not censored, and I don't care either.
Either way, the video should be saved automatically for just 1 min, showing the required road part. YT, is taking a bit time.
Where did you see the Mercedes in my mirror?

Bang on the lane change, at 4:59-5:00-5:01 I even just about managed to screen shot it.

Bang on the lane change, at 4:59-5:00-5:01 I even just about managed to screen shot it.


Oh, you mean after I changed my lane, oh, Okay. Makes sense.
But, did you miss how fast he went by?
Btw, I didn't mention earlier, I had underglow lighting setup on my bike, so, visibility of my bike at that night shouldn't be a problem.
Something like this:
I agree, I've ignited his ego, but you thought I went behind him because of my ego? As I said earlier, 2 wheels can't win 4 wheels in road rage, so, I tried getting the plates.
Later I did some reading online, before posting on our forum, that is is waste of time and effort to give a complaint on him, so, I didn't share with you guys.

Thank You
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Let's take a read on this and cool our jets. Please re read the forum rules. We can treat each other with a little more respect! :) We all can make mistakes..... Or may not have all the informatioin before commenting.
We have a couple of LEO'or ex LEO's retired etc. here on the forum who will probably agree there was risk when stopping to assist the lady. She should have been out behind any available barrier for protection and not in the minivan. Ultimately it would have been better if that vehicle had made it to the shoulder as opposed to the lane. So first thing would be safety for her, the baby and you. Next would be getting oncoming traffic to see the situation to help avoid a collision with the minivan until a LEO could get on the scene. That might have been by you just flagging traffic farther back from the minivan.

Why the van is there or why the lights aren't working properly takes a back seat to getting everyone safe first.

Don't get angry with people in cars. If you have a problem with them defuse it as soon as possible and be out of the way. Don't catch up with them to prove anything...
Be safe friends! :)
Let's take a read on this and cool our jets. Please re read the forum rules. We can treat each other with a little more respect! :) We all can make mistakes..... Or may not have all the informatioin before commenting.
We have a couple of LEO'or ex LEO's retired etc. here on the forum who will probably agree there was risk when stopping to assist the lady. She should have been out behind any available barrier for protection and not in the minivan. Ultimately it would have been better if that vehicle had made it to the shoulder as opposed to the lane. So first thing would be safety for her, the baby and you. Next would be getting oncoming traffic to see the situation to help avoid a collision with the minivan until a LEO could get on the scene. That might have been by you just flagging traffic farther back from the minivan.

Why the van is there or why the lights aren't working properly takes a back seat to getting everyone safe first.

Don't get angry with people in cars. If you have a problem with them defuse it as soon as possible and be out of the way. Don't catch up with them to prove anything...
Be safe friends! :)

Next time, I definitely call 911 to help, not by myself.
Thank You to you and Scott.
Stupidity, ignorance and arrogance don't have a nationality. People are people.

That being said - I know you're in South Carolina, and while I hate to generalize, that is one place I absolutely hated driving in. When I was living there in the Navy, my insurance rates tripled and my anxiety was through the roof. I sincerely doubt I would have stopped and put myself in harms way for such an ignorant and ungrateful person, although the baby deserves the benefit of the doubt. But if she doesn't know how to work the hazard lights, how to ensure that she has enough fuel, and properly ensure that the car is road worthy and what to do if the car does become a road block - well, she probably has no business driving.

I also wouldn't have given her or the other drivers anything more than a shake of the head on the bike. These type of things you really do just have to let go of. I've been passed on a ramp just like in the second video, and while the car was 100% wrong regardless, you and I both in that scenario could have taken better ownership of the lane.

With the Mercedes.... yeah, I'm calling it ego. As you found out, getting license plates isn't really worth it unless there's real physical damage or an injury to account for. Even with video proof it's a fruitless pursuit and only serves to distract from the otherwise enjoyable experience of riding.

It is pretty good that you're willing to post something like this and ask for feedback, looking for ways to improve yourself is always a good thing. The most important feedback I want to give - and I'll fully admit I still have to consciously remind myself at times - is just let it go. Get yourself out of the close call, take a deep breath, think about how you might have better avoided the situation and move on.
Just to add to the original video, the vehicle was out of gas..

I believe the actual driver was gone, going to get fuel(I think the lady stated that).

The lady in that video, was in the passenger seat when seen and eventually was breast feeding a baby.

She was likely always the passenger, staying with the baby (mother most likely).

**Its somewhat moot, but just that she was probably NOT the one who wasn't bright enough to pull out of the roadway..**

IMO, I think this thread brings a bunch of good feed back (pro's and con's) for both Raj and most members, something to learn from..
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Full disclosure: I haven't watched all the videos.

What I did see and would like to comment on was your passing on the right at considerable higher speed than the traffic in left lane. All the drivers staying the in the left lane were wrong. They were driving with the flow of traffic and should be in the right lane to allow traffic that wants to go faster or going through (not turning right off of the road) to proceed. This is a common phenomenon in California and Nevada too. It irritates the heck out of me. Makes me do more lane changes in traffic, which is dangerous. We were riding in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana recently. This didn't happen. Everyone passed in the left lane and got over to the right lane right away. It was amazing how much better traffic flowed too. We even passed traffic on the left then got over. It felt so much more safer. This is the art of driving/riding that has been lost. I find that most people don't look over their shoulder to the right when making lane changes which puts us riders at more risk when in that position. I would suggest you try to limit your right lane passes. I understand being late for work, that also suggests that you need to plan to leave earlier to avoid that time crunch.

We were driving in a cage recently to the San Francisco Bay Area and saw so many people on their phones. I don't mean talking or texting - they were on their social media feeds They drove with their left hand on the steering wheel and scrolled with their right hand. We watched one GUY not look up for a good 5 minutes. We were in stop and go traffic. It sucked. All I could think was that I would never want to ride my bike on I-80 between Reno and San Francisco. I wouldn't survive. We saw another GUY in a pickup on his social media feed swerve and almost hit a guy pulling a 5th wheel and that guy swerved and went off onto the shoulder with his trailer and HE was on his social media feed. I guess that's how they miss each other. So, my last comment would be that it isn't all LADY drivers that are stupid or distracted. On our recent bike trip of 3,000 miles we came upon 3 major accidents. The drivers/riders that were at fault were men, as far as I could tell. We saw them being put into ambulances.
First of all, I would like to thank you for sharing your experiences and more importantly are open to comments. In the motorized food chain world, motorcycles will be beat be every other car, van truck, etc. that we are sharing the road with. Your first gut reaction is to let the motorist that they cut you off or whatever, but this is not a survival skill. Sure we use our horns and gestures, but you must understand that we are the vulnerable ones on the road and while it may be contrary to our feelings at the moment - cooler heads will always prevail. Now my opinion, which for the most part has already been voiced:

Video 1: Most people who drive do not understand and accept the responsibility that comes with the privilege of driving. In your mind and ours, if the motorist in the minivan was running out of gas we would attempt to get the vehicle out of the traffic lane. This is common sense to us, but not to everyone. Regardless, you should be looking much further down the road so you be alerted to slowed or stopped vehicles and can alert the motorists behind to slow as well. If that was me in the minivan in an active traffic lane I would be going crazy just sitting there. I was in my stopped SUV years ago with my two young kids in their car seats in the back and saw an approaching motorist looking to the side instead of forward and I told my kids we were about to get hit. I don't think they understood, but I released the brake as were impacted and essentially transferred the force to the vehicle I was stopped behind waiting to turn. The end result was two totaled cars front and rear and I literally has some bumper scratches and a broken fog light. More importantly my kids had an experience that they remember and can call on at some point should it be necessary.

Video 2: We had a topic some time back about preferred riding lane position. This may vary depending on how wide the road is. On two lane roads I prefer left of center, this allows me to look further down road and more importantly, put my headlights in the side view mirror of the car in front of me. Remember, we need to alert the motorists that we are here and are sharing their road. The sooner they know we are there, the better our chances are. Your lane position was far right and then far left. The motorist simply saw an opportunity given your lane position. I'm not saying it was right, but it should not be totally unexpected given your position. We don't know what goes through peoples minds. Protect your lane when necessary by being aware of where the drivers are and where they may be headed. Expect the unexpected. That way when it happens you will be totally relaxed because you had already played out the scenario.

Video 3: Do not mix it up with cars on the road, unless it is just harmless fun. For example, last year I was leaving work, which is adjacent to one of Nissan's R&D center and a 370Z pulled out in front of me in traffic. We were stopped at a light and I was behind turning onto a highway. I noticed him watching me in his mirror and when the light turned green he got on it and so did I. Just for fun up to a quick 100 or so, but then it was over. At night, I am not sure I would trust anyone, but that is me. Do not be too brave. You never know what is going through somebody's head. Do not engage or provoke, remember where you are in the food chain.

Be Safe.
First of all, I would like to thank you for sharing your experiences and more importantly are open to comments. In the motorized food chain world, motorcycles will be beat be every other car, van truck, etc. that we are sharing the road with. Your first gut reaction is to let the motorist that they cut you off or whatever, but this is not a survival skill. Sure we use our horns and gestures, but you must understand that we are the vulnerable ones on the road and while it may be contrary to our feelings at the moment - cooler heads will always prevail. Now my opinion, which for the most part has already been voiced:

Video 1: Most people who drive do not understand and accept the responsibility that comes with the privilege of driving. In your mind and ours, if the motorist in the minivan was running out of gas we would attempt to get the vehicle out of the traffic lane. This is common sense to us, but not to everyone. Regardless, you should be looking much further down the road so you be alerted to slowed or stopped vehicles and can alert the motorists behind to slow as well. If that was me in the minivan in an active traffic lane I would be going crazy just sitting there. I was in my stopped SUV years ago with my two young kids in their car seats in the back and saw an approaching motorist looking to the side instead of forward and I told my kids we were about to get hit. I don't think they understood, but I released the brake as were impacted and essentially transferred the force to the vehicle I was stopped behind waiting to turn. The end result was two totaled cars front and rear and I literally has some bumper scratches and a broken fog light. More importantly my kids had an experience that they remember and can call on at some point should it be necessary.

Video 2: We had a topic some time back about preferred riding lane position. This may vary depending on how wide the road is. On two lane roads I prefer left of center, this allows me to look further down road and more importantly, put my headlights in the side view mirror of the car in front of me. Remember, we need to alert the motorists that we are here and are sharing their road. The sooner they know we are there, the better our chances are. Your lane position was far right and then far left. The motorist simply saw an opportunity given your lane position. I'm not saying it was right, but it should not be totally unexpected given your position. We don't know what goes through peoples minds. Protect your lane when necessary by being aware of where the drivers are and where they may be headed. Expect the unexpected. That way when it happens you will be totally relaxed because you had already played out the scenario.

Video 3: Do not mix it up with cars on the road, unless it is just harmless fun. For example, last year I was leaving work, which is adjacent to one of Nissan's R&D center and a 370Z pulled out in front of me in traffic. We were stopped at a light and I was behind turning onto a highway. I noticed him watching me in his mirror and when the light turned green he got on it and so did I. Just for fun up to a quick 100 or so, but then it was over. At night, I am not sure I would trust anyone, but that is me. Do not be too brave. You never know what is going through somebody's head. Do not engage or provoke, remember where you are in the food chain.

Be Safe.

Thanks for sharing your insight.
1. Yes, I learned Common Sense is not so Common these days :)
2. Well, on the interstate, I was going fast enough, on the right side of the lane, and I was looking in my mirrors.
But 'on that ramp' thing is a bit different.
3. I'm not racing with him either, he just got his ego, ignited, but will work for him, as he is caged. I soaked my ego in water, not to lit up.

Full disclosure: I haven't watched all the videos.

What I did see and would like to comment on was your passing on the right at considerable higher speed than the traffic in left lane. All the drivers staying the in the left lane were wrong. They were driving with the flow of traffic and should be in the right lane to allow traffic that wants to go faster or going through (not turning right off of the road) to proceed. This is a common phenomenon in California and Nevada too. It irritates the heck out of me. Makes me do more lane changes in traffic, which is dangerous. We were riding in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana recently. This didn't happen. Everyone passed in the left lane and got over to the right lane right away. It was amazing how much better traffic flowed too. We even passed traffic on the left then got over. It felt so much more safer. This is the art of driving/riding that has been lost. I find that most people don't look over their shoulder to the right when making lane changes which puts us riders at more risk when in that position. I would suggest you try to limit your right lane passes. I understand being late for work, that also suggests that you need to plan to leave earlier to avoid that time crunch.

We were driving in a cage recently to the San Francisco Bay Area and saw so many people on their phones. I don't mean talking or texting - they were on their social media feeds They drove with their left hand on the steering wheel and scrolled with their right hand. We watched one GUY not look up for a good 5 minutes. We were in stop and go traffic. It sucked. All I could think was that I would never want to ride my bike on I-80 between Reno and San Francisco. I wouldn't survive. We saw another GUY in a pickup on his social media feed swerve and almost hit a guy pulling a 5th wheel and that guy swerved and went off onto the shoulder with his trailer and HE was on his social media feed. I guess that's how they miss each other. So, my last comment would be that it isn't all LADY drivers that are stupid or distracted. On our recent bike trip of 3,000 miles we came upon 3 major accidents. The drivers/riders that were at fault were men, as far as I could tell. We saw them being put into ambulances.

Thanks Monica.
Just my observation:

Vid1 - You were coming up a bit too fast and not paying enough attention farther up. Can often happen to anyone of us, especially in a rush hour traffic. Good avoiding maneuver but be more alert of traffic ahead the next time.

Vid2 - No biggie. She saw an opening and used it. It's not like she didn't see you. You rode slower than traffic and let plenty of space for her to use. Although she shouldn't pass on right, but I wouldn't give it a though. In other countries cars even share a lane with bikes.

Vid3 - You were about to change lane on him, and the idiot got pissed and engaged into the road rage. Typical reaction of the ashore driver. People on the road can be crazier than in life. Good that you stayed away from that idiot.

Monica, I can't agree more with what you said about driving here. I haven't been to the the East Coast besides CA and NV, but I find it very difficult and very stressful driving here. People all over the lanes, no lane discipline, no common courtesy, no clue how to follow the normal road rules. Ignorance and selfishness prevails. This causing the road rage and accidents.
I recently came from Europe, and driving/riding there is a pleasure. Everyone is courageous, and left lane is passing only. Hey, even in the center lane people will move to the right one if they slower than traffic. No one holding you back, and everyone driving their own pace.
I think that American drivers should practice in Europe before getting their license here :)
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You got off your bike to tell two lady's that ran out of gas they need to push the car off the road? Why didn't you be a man and offer to help? I am floored by your arrogance! I don't know how men are in your country but real men in America offer to help ladies you sorry ass.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


Anyone else get a kick out of that last line?