A Bad Saturday


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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I live in Riverdale, a small "suburb" of Ogden UT. We had kind of a bad Saturday this last weekend:
10:30 am: 22-year old took a turn too fast, busted up his leg and head. Medevac'd to the hospital. No helmet.
1:45 pm: 31-year old crashed into a parked car. Shattered his femur. DWI. Medevac'd.
5:50 pm: 26-year old took a turn too fast, bike slid 75 feet and wrapped itself around a telephone pole. Driver cracked his skull open and major road rash. No helmet. Medevac'd.

Utah doesn't currently have a helmet law, but I wouldn't be surprised if that changes soon. Dang...
Dang it man.
I dont like helmet laws but I think your stupid if you ride without one.
Botch I dont think it will change the helmet law.... the harley guys will just do helmet runs until they repeal it.... florida is the same way.
Personally I think there should NOT be a law making you use a helmet. It doesn't effect anybody else, unless maybe you get a bug in your eye and crash into another road user, but they are certainly not going to ban face-less helmets any time soon so that doesn't really matter.

I would never ride without a helmet, but that's me, I like my life.
Personally I think there should NOT be a law making you use a helmet. It doesn't effect anybody else, unless maybe you get a bug in your eye and crash into another road user, but they are certainly not going to ban face-less helmets any time soon so that doesn't really matter.

I would never ride without a helmet, but that's me, I like my life.

NH doesn't have a helmet law but they do have an eye protection law so it's either s windshield that you *must* view *through* to drive, or eyewear to cover your eyes. They aren't real specific so most just wear cheap sunglasses.

I wear my helmet no matter what. I am in the extreme minority in NH.
I wouldn't ride without a helmet, and wouldn't let my friends get away without an earfull for riding without a helmet.

But, I would NEVER use force or advocate using force against someone to make them do something that they don't want to do.
NH doesn't have a helmet law but they do have an eye protection law so it's either s windshield that you *must* view *through* to drive, or eyewear to cover your eyes. They aren't real specific so most just wear cheap sunglasses.

I wear my helmet no matter what. I am in the extreme minority in NH.

Makes perfect sense. Here you have to wear one, but it can be an open helmet where anything can fly into your face. Doesn't make any sense at all.
This is such an emotive subject:

The UK & Australia have a mandatory helmet law, this does not stop us from enjoying the sport. The statistics stand up for themselves, Blunt head trauma kills, the face and chin area take about 70% of impacts whilst riding.
In my view if people don't have the sense to look after themselves then the state needs to step in and regulate the safety.
You all wear a seat belt which like the UK caused an uproar when it was first brought in. Now it is second nature to all of us.
My 2p worth.

This is such an emotive subject:

The UK & Australia have a mandatory helmet law, this does not stop us from enjoying the sport. The statistics stand up for themselves, Blunt head trauma kills, the face and chin area take about 70% of impacts whilst riding.
In my view if people don't have the sense to look after themselves then the state needs to step in and regulate the safety.
You all wear a seat belt which like the UK caused an uproar when it was first brought in. Now it is second nature to all of us.
My 2p worth.


Spot on!!! Those who say that it should be your decision and you are not hurting anyone else, what about your friends and family and the other motorists that witness an accident that seriously injures or kills. To me it seems like a selfish approach not too but then again it's always been the law in Aus since I've been alive and it just makes sense to me.
I'm all for the "Live free or die" motto of New Hampshire, but there is something to be said for helmet and seatbelt laws. If I'm driving in a car and cause an accident (something that isn't really anybody's fault, but is my fault according to the insurance company), I or my insurance company is responsible for paying repairs, medical, etc. A motorcyclist in full leather with a helmet is going to cost the insurance company a lot less than a squid in terms of medical bills. Same for seatbelted vs non-seatbelted drivers.

In my opinion, I should get a discount on my insurance for wearing a seatbelt or helmet. People who DON'T choose to wear them are going to statistically cost the insurance company more, and should be paying that difference. Now, that is going to be really hard to enforce....

An even better idea - drivers and passengers in a motorvehicle accident that are not wearing/using the proper safety equipment should not be covered by any insurance but their own. And as a result, their insurance premium will go up (if they survive) rather than mine. Why should I have to pay $texas for somebody not wearing a helmet or seatbelt when it would have been a minor fender-bender had they not made themselves into a skin crayon?

Added: Not to mention the guilt associated with killing somebody in an accident. I drive safely, but it's not unreasonable to think that I could potentially cause an accident that is fatal to an unprotected motorcyclist. I don't want that on my conscience.
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Helmets do one thing... Protect you, would you race a busa down a track in short's, sandals, and a tee shirt? not wearing a helmet when you kno it's necessary show's disregard for ur own life... Please wear a helmet guys, then u can smack eachother in the head for laughs.
It.s the law in ca and I think it's perfect. I remember the Harley riders put up a fuss a few years back when they were trying to force the helmet law but now everyone is fine with it and statistically, death from accidents have gone down. The law is to protect everyone, including the boneheads who don't eant to wear a helmet. I'm for it:thumbup:
I feel sorry for these people. Helmet is required by law in Cyprus, but that doesn't really do it. People still wear open face helmets, or wear no helmet and some even try to outrun the police. The most irritating thing is to see them holding it while riding. At least they protect their elbows:rolleyes:

My point is that, law or not, some people will refuse to wear helmets...and it's bad when you fall....

BTW, a greek tv safety spot I like, showing an impact at the speed of 2.5km/h...and thus making a clear point :D
[ame="http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=piojsGdBFgk"]YouTube - Road safety - Helmet - Cannes Bronze[/ame]