757 Area - need some assistance

N Spec

Junior Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Hi, I would like to inquire some assistance from a fellow 757 FZ6 rider. I need to borrow a rear fender/license plate holder cause mine is damaged for a few days. To be be completely accurate, the right amber lense is broken off when I took off the rear fender and i need to replace it ASAP.

So I was wondering if I could borrow someone's rear fender with the turn signals or if someone around my area has a spare amber lens/turn signal they don't need. I will be happy to compensate for the part or time borrowed.
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You have posted 30 posts since you joined in July and you want to borrow something of another members bike?

I wish you luck.

Just putting it out there. I said I would compensate for time/part. It's more of I need a local availiable part. Thanks for the wish of luck though.
You have posted 30 posts since you joined in July and you want to borrow something of another members bike?

I wish you luck.


He has 31 posts now, what is the magic number to reach before he is deemed worthy enough to ask a favor of a fellow member? I would lend it to him if he was near me.

The tone of your post is a bit arrogant, IMHO.
I have the stock turn signals i dont want anything for them if want them they r yours, only prob is i live in Oklahoma, i dont know how much it would cost to ship them, or how fast you need them, it may not be worth the money to get them there as fast as you need them, but just throwin the option out there for you.

BTW what is steveindenmark's problem a fellow member needs assistance and you respond by flaming him WOW! take a couple Prozac or maybe 10 and mellow out.... damn!
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There isn`t a magic number. But I would have thought just a little commitment to the site over the last few months would help convince other people to assist him.

Sorry if it offended some of you.

There isn`t a magic number. But I would have thought just a little commitment to the site over the last few months would help convince other people to assist him.

Sorry if it offended some of you.


Yea, I'm up here occasionally, almost everyday, just reading and browsing. Not everyone wants to or needs to post everyday. I'm sure if I did post more, then more people would come to my assistance, but I haven't so I have to take it how it comes.

YoungGun, I would def take you on your offer if I can't find any others or if the dealer gives me some issues. Thanks for the option and also thanks to the others that are not local for the gesture of assistance.
If you still need parts, I have replaced all the rear fender parts and turn signals. So let me know if you need them.(pm me)
Hey, if I had them, they'd be yours.

I'm sure I'll need some help someday, and I'm quite aware that most on here would do what they can.

Isn't that why we're here?