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  1. Paradisio

    Ignition cable

    Thanks guys I got the ignition wire out, I just kept pushing up on the gas tank and pushing the seat back a bit; gave me enough room to fit my fingers under the air box and along the frame to unhook the connection. What kind of scares me is that I just took that to a locksmith, he charged me $15...
  2. Paradisio

    Ignition cable

    Unfortunatly I am the second owner of this bike and all I have is the title, no key ID. I had two keys but then I moved and the spare was lost somewhere in between my old house and this one.
  3. Paradisio

    Ignition cable

    I am currently removing the ignition from my 06 fz6 because I did a really dumb thing and lost my only key. I have read the other threads about it and know I have to cut the locking bolts off, but my current problem is that the wire going from the ignition to I guess my starter is tucked into my...
  4. Paradisio

    Grape Drink VS. Grape Juice

    <insert obligitory Friday or Friday after next quote>
  5. Paradisio

    Cool new GPS mount!!

    Must Have!!!!
  6. Paradisio

    Welp...Had it 15 weeks and decided to trade up to a liter!!!

    Yeah I had the choice between making payments on a 06 cbr 1000rr or buying the fz6 outright. I am happy with my choice but sometimes wish I had a little more power. Course I would probablly be in jail or dead right now so I think I made the right choice :)
  7. Paradisio

    Time to Move On...

    Congrats dude, I actually went from a Sprint 955 to the fz6, got tired of the flipping expensive parts and service. But they are honestly awesome bikes. I'm probablly one of the few people that actually went down from a litre bike to a 600 :)
  8. Paradisio

    is this person a member here?

    From the look at that tail peice it looks like he "looped" a wheelie. Not that there is a reason why I am able to identify that kind of damage or anything... ;)
  9. Paradisio

    Shameless Whoring

    Damn that is a good looking bike. I think I may get that spring cover; seems like a good idea.
  10. Paradisio

    It is SOOOO loud!

    I just don't know if I can bring myself to let someone else ride my bike :)
  11. Paradisio

    My own personal track...

    Man I want one of those in my backyard...
  12. Paradisio

    So funny story...

    Yeah back in high school I had an older z28 which I thought was the sh*t, I would race anyone. Now I hate people like that.
  13. Paradisio

    Fun, interesting ride today

    We'll just assume he waited the hour per drink rule and left a happy and sober man :)
  14. Paradisio

    This could end badly...

    Yeah come to think about it...
  15. Paradisio

    New guy on the forums, bad & good news

    Yeah I would never run from the police, but I thought so hard about it this time since I was less than a 1/4 mile from my exit, he was stopped on the side of the road, would have had to get up to highway speed and get around 8 or so cars and there was room to split in front of me. It was one of...
  16. Paradisio

    This could end badly...

    Dibs if I can get $1 from every member...
  17. Paradisio

    So funny story...

    Ha that is awesome! I have no sympathy for those kind of people...
  18. Paradisio

    First Overnight Trip

    Sounds like a good trip, I need to go on one more before college starts
  19. Paradisio

    So funny story...

    I was driving down a side road on the way back to my house when all of a sudden some ricer something jumps from a side street right in front of me. He then proceeds to gun it and despite the fact that he cut me off. Instead of getting mad, I was in a good enough mood to play with him. So I am...
  20. Paradisio

    For the lurker's

    Yeah, course he said it was over last year and decided on another tour, but I think you are right that this one will be his last. Course the trend seems to be waiting 20 years then making a comeback tour. Didn't work out for Michael, but maybe i'll be able to go see Trent in the distant future.