Search results

  1. phocoyote7

    rim tape for FZ6

    just search ebay, almost any wheel stripe you search will fit. Just make sure it's the right wheel size. Here is link I just posted on FZ6R side I had reflective wheel stripes and took them off, was going to...
  2. phocoyote7

    The ignorance

    Just to put it straight here, I like all kind of bikes, I prefer a full fairing bike and I'm a noob to riding, that is how I ended up with the R. Was looking at the ninja 650R another great looking bike IMO. I do enjoy getting feed back from the FZ6 guys, so I hope no hard feelings towards us...
  3. phocoyote7

    Sumo Wrestling?

    okay, I know this sounds weird, but had to post. I have a Shift Avenger jacket and on the inside tag for washing instructions it says "do not wear for sumo wrestling". So was curious why is this warning there? This site shows tag Washing Instructions Fail « FAIL Blog: Pictures and Videos...
  4. phocoyote7

    Venting about this site!

    REPOST :spank: j/k I think repost are necessary sometime's because it gets :hijack: I can't agree more with you, but you always have those clowns that got to voice their opinion, you can't stop them that is thier right. I would really hate to live that way, If I don't agree I just move on...
  5. phocoyote7

    Looking for oppinions on gear

    Own the white fuel street shoes myself, love them because I can wear them at work all day. Yeah they show a little dirt, but look good with my white pin stripe Avenger jacket. They don't offer as much support as boots do, but offer little more protection than basic shoes. As far as the pants...
  6. phocoyote7

    another distracted cager

    This does make me mad. We recently had a law passed here in WA that you can't talk on cell phones while driving, believe CA passed at same time. The thing is it's a secondary offense meaning they can't pull them over for it, but if have another cause to pull them over can get a ticket for this...
  7. phocoyote7

    Wheel stripes, how do you do it?

    Slow and steady is the key, even then you still are probably going to be off a little here and there. After I put mine on I can see where the flaws are, but is good enough that they don't look bad and don't wobble when I ride. I have the white reflective. I found another set that I like...
  8. phocoyote7

    Helmet Choices

    Shoei X-11 Kiyonari (Blue), got killer dealer on ebay.