Search results

  1. 99vengeur

    Hazard switch

    Hey guys, I'm venturing over from the FZ6R forum. I haven't been on here in years, but needed some assistance. If I remember correctly, the FZ6 has a hazard switch on the left handlebar control housing. If this is correct, would someone be able to provide me a part number for the little...
  2. 99vengeur

    Replacing tires and dealership??

    So I called my local dealer and they said they won't replace the tires if I purchase them from anywhere else. Does anyone else have this issue with their dealership? What other options are there for getting my tires replaced, as I don't have the tools to do it myself and the price from the...
  3. 99vengeur

    Projector source?

    This question is directed to the guys that have done the bi-xenon projectors. I am planning to do this shortly, although for the FZ6R, and I am trying to decided which vendor to use. I found some on There are also several on ebay from seller kassabian9898. Do you guys...
  4. 99vengeur

    Projector headlight question

    For those of you who have done the projector headlight mod, this question is for you. I know that the headlight housing had to be pulled apart to get the components in place. However, if the projector lamp burns out, would you have to take the headlight assembly apart again to replace it? In...
  5. 99vengeur

    Battery tender question

    I have read through a bunch of the threads regarding battery tenders and was still unable to find the answer to my question. So I thought I would ask you guys for input. I'm looking to connect a battery tender lead to the battery that will let me take advantage of the SAE connector for other...
  6. 99vengeur

    Long trip essentials/checklist?

    I hope to plan on taking a trip this August to go to a buddy's wedding. The wedding is about 950 miles away and I want to do it on the bike. The trip will involve me, the bike and a backpack. I don't have side bags, tank bag or even a tailbag, and I really don't foresee having them (except maybe...
  7. 99vengeur

    Any firefighters here...?

  8. 99vengeur

    Horn laugh...WTF?!

    Watch this video and try not to laugh! It's pretty hard. I was laughing so hard, my co-workers came over to see what was going on. They watched it and started laughing as well. My un-productivity is contagious. Car Horn Laugh - MSN Video
  9. 99vengeur

    Evian water commercial

    This is the cutest/funniest commercial I have seen in quite some time!! YouTube - Evian Roller Skating Babies
  10. 99vengeur

    Rock Band and Guitar Hero??

    I couldn't find the answer in a search. I know that Guitar Hero is made by Activision and that Rock Band is Harmonix/EA Games. What I want to know is whether the peripherals are compatible?? Do the GH instruments work with the RB games and vice-versa? A friend gave me the RB1 disc, but I have no...
  11. 99vengeur

    NSFW Commercial for what?

    NSFW YouTube - great motorcycle commercial Ok, I saw this commercial and have no idea what it's for... Did I miss something?? :confused: Or is it just a video to get people to wear gear?
  12. 99vengeur

    Factory tires and trackdays

    So, I am looking at doing my first trackday this month and was wondering if the factory tires are sufficient enough to keep me upright?? I have less than 3000 miles on the tires and the tread is in good condition. Should I be alright to use these tires for my first trackday?
  13. 99vengeur

    Exhaust re-packing

    For those of you rolling with the Two Brothers exhaust systems, how many actually re-pack the can every 3000 miles like they suggest to do? If you do not, how often do you re-pack it then, if at all?