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  1. E

    Question of the Day #291 (1/7/10)

    PM sent to you
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    The Riding Game!

    I just came across this thread today (where have I been for the last year?) and this is such a cool idea. Is there a new challenge?
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    Question of the Day #283 (18/6/10)

    PM sent. Where's the 'smores' party? If it's in OZ, I won't make it in time...
  4. E

    POLL: Riding position: Feet/Legs

    I went with #3. During medium to aggressive turning my inside heel just feels right as it raises up slightly and rotates in towards the bike as my derriere slides towards the inside of the turn.
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    Question of the Day #257 (11/5/10)

    PM answer sent along to you!
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    Me Chain poll with pics

    I lubricate my chain with DuPont Teflon Multi-purpose Dry Lubricant every few hundred miles, and actually break out the Simple Green, an old toothbrush and a rag for major chain cleaning about every 1000 miles.
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    Which Driver Is More Dangerous?

    The cell phone text messaging person with less than 100% of their attention on the road. Of any age. As many have said, the elderly are [usually] more predictable, in that they will be quite a bit more cautious, except in spectacular lapses of reason, like driving the wrong way in HOV, etc...
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    I think I might need a bigger bike...

    The redline on my 2008 is 14k, so 8-9k is just about 2/3 of the way, a walk in the park for this motor. Besides, I find that on a long trip, I have to stop for gas just about every two hours, so the engine gets a little rest every stop.
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    Question of the Day #256 (10/5/10)

    PM sent. Thank you for keeping the questions coming!
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    Question of the Day #254 (5/5/10)

    PM answer sent!
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    Question of the Day #251 (30/4/10)

    Using my crazy mad algebra skills for the second time in twenty years (and looking at that box of marshmallows in the cupboard) I have PM'ed you with the proper answer. The first time was ten minutes ago when I worked out the plumber question only to realize I was a day late. (and a dollar short)
  12. E

    Which tire catches the nails?

    Two nail-catching incidents with the rear tire. Just the other week, nail in rear tire discovered at work after my morning commute. And once back in '92 on a road trip touring through the Rocky Mountains ('nailed' just outside Fort Collins, Colorado). I did have a scary time years ago on my...
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    Tires that fit and Reviews.

    Just replaced the stock Dunlops that came with my 2008 FZ6. They had about 8900 miles on them. Although neither tire was down to the wear marks, the nail that appeared one morning in the rear tire convinced me it was time. The guy at the dealership near where I work recommended the Michelin...
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    Do you have a prefered cornering side???

    USA right-hand side travel lanes lefty here. I'm just more confident banking left because I can usually see further around a left-hand curve. And then there's the argument where my right hand says 'what, I gotta work the brake, the throttle AND initiate the countersteer while HE (left hand)...
  15. E

    Which one would you buy?

    In an earlier post, you mentioned not seeing any FZ6's at the dealerships. There is a good reason for this. As far as I can tell, Yamaha is not offering them here in the US for 2010, so 2009 was the last model year for the breed. Back before I bought my 2008 Cobalt FZ6, I was agonizing over...
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    Very disturbing picture

    I don't winterize, either. Last winter, I rode the FZ6 at least a couple times every month, even Jan and Feb. Here in southern NJ, the temps mostly vacillate from 10 to 40 degrees F, sometimes it even gets warmer. I have ridden in 20 degree temps, but you don't want to go fast and far. I'll...
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    My new '07 FZ6, RR, ramblings, etc.

    Maybe Drinky is pushing the bike under him while cornering, like dirt bike style. It's the only way I can get anything to touch down. Or maybe he has the rear shock set on 1 :D Hanging one cheek off or just dipping my shoulder gets me around bends with out being close to scraping the feelers...
  18. E

    Helmet stolen - Majorly pissed off

    K: nice lid! I've had few Shoei's and they are top quality helmets with nice liners and good fit. I have a Kryptonite plastic-coated heavy cable with integrated lock that I use to lock my helmet/jacket to the frame of my FZ6 ('08 Cobalt) when, in my travels, I have no place else safe to put...
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    My Top Speed

    LOL So far, 148 votes, and not one "laws person speed limit max"! I've had my FZ6 over 120 mph, but only for a short period of time. Here in NJ (even in the southern part), travelling at speeds over 2 miles per minute just increases the probability of of coming within sight of the police...
  20. E

    How do you fill your tank?

    Ha ha, my trick to get around the 'removed trigger detents' while filling the truck was to wedge the truck's gas cap in between the handle and trigger for hands free operation. I LIKE this idea! By the way, I am also an NJ resident - the attendants all hand me the gas nozzle while I...