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  1. Aggromuffin

    New member welcome thread..

    Thanks! Don't worry, it has been pretty cold in the mornings (in the 30s) so it wasn't super peachy but with the right gear (as I soon learned) it's been manageable haha
  2. Aggromuffin

    New member welcome thread..

    Hey guys! Thought I posted here previously but it must have slipped my mind... My name is Steven and I live in the Central Coast area of California. 2005 FZ6 is my first bike ever. Got her about 8 months ago but really started riding around January (Car was in the shop, had to get to work...
  3. Aggromuffin

    Need Help WTB Aftermarket Seat for 05 FZ6

    Which level of thickness would be appropriate? 2 inches? Also, is this what you did? If so, how are you liking it? Thanks man!
  4. Aggromuffin

    Need Help WTB Aftermarket Seat for 05 FZ6

    Zip is 93455. Looking for something more comfortable than this pancake. Suggestions? How permanent of a fix and upgrade is it to get a gel pad and modify my own seat? Thanks!
  5. Aggromuffin

    Rear shock alternatives; How to install R1 Shock w/pic

    Hey OP! First off, thank you so much for the detailed write up and pictures. This is my next project as I bought an 05 with 34k miles on it and the rear spring doesn't look all that hot lol. I may have missed it but did your suspension guy every share his details? I live in a small town and...
  6. Aggromuffin

    R1 rear shock for FZ6

    Could you do 100 shipped? Zip is 93455
  7. Aggromuffin

    R1 rear shock for FZ6

    Heya! I know it's super late lol but is this still available?