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  1. JBravo

    bd43's 07 Headlight Mod Part 1

    Thanks for sharing! I'm working my way up towards doing this mod, I do genuinely want to know the bike inside out if I can starting with the basics. I've done some simple adjustments (gear pedal and chain adjustment, replaced clutch cable etc) but nothing bigger than that. Hopefully this...
  2. JBravo

    Seat cowls

    That's not a bad idea - I checked them out online they look really cool. I already have a soft tail pack (Oxford) that looks very ugly, so this is a good option. I see they come in blue, any idea if it would match my blue bike Thanks.
  3. JBravo

    Will my battery drain?

    Hello all, So I'm away for 2 weeks, will the bike start up ok when I return? I've only had it 3 weeks and it's my first proper bike so any advice is appreciated.
  4. JBravo

    bd43's 07 Headlight Mod Part 1

    I want this dual headlight mod, but sadly I know very little about electroics and/or mechanics. I've seen several versions of this mod on here, but most of it reads like a different language to me. Is there a way for a novice to do it without deconstructing half the bike? I'm more than happy...
  5. JBravo

    Seat cowls

    Oh and thanks for the installation info, is there a way to protect that scratching you mention? Rubber underlay between the two surfaces perhaps?
  6. JBravo

    Seat cowls

    Thanks I emailed them to see if they can do one in blue (belly pan too), their site appears to only stock 2 or 3 colours as standard.
  7. JBravo

    Seat cowls

    Looks like the colour doesn't match, not sure if it can be painted (or if I know somewhere where I can get that done!). Thanks though I'll look into it.
  8. JBravo

    Seat cowls

    Where can I get seat cowls? Most members appear to have gone with TCP but after finding no ordering information on their site I emailed them and got this back: Quote Thank you for your email. TCP is in a restructuring of the company, and until further notice, there will be no service for...
  9. JBravo

    Disk Break size & Break lock

    Just got the Xena X2, 14 mm fits fine and sturdy as hell. It's bulky but easily fits under the seat.
  10. JBravo

    A must see for the ATGATT crowd :)

    If you take the odd shortcut and don't bother with the full gear sometimes, spare a thought for these guys - very common sight! From Egypt with love :Flash:
  11. JBravo

    New FZ6 Owner

    Ha ha no sir I was not, my longest trip so far is 20 miles from where I live in Bracknell!
  12. JBravo

    Newbie here

    With a solid 2 months riding experience which includes my training and licence exam etc I'm a noob and I know it. I got my FZ6 two days ago and managed to drop it today :( Stopped at home, kicked out the side stand and like an idiot forgot one of the first things my instructor taught me, make...
  13. JBravo

    New FZ6 Owner

    Ok my proper camera isn't hooked up to this computer so the advert shots will have to do, here it is! Looks tidy no?
  14. JBravo

    New FZ6 Owner

    Hi Cloggy, thanks. No it's not restricted (I'm 36 and did the DAS) The only pics I have are from the ad which aren't great so I'm gonna get my DSLR out later and take some proper shots!
  15. JBravo

    My Fazer.

    Hi looks good! I just got my bike yesterday, where can you get colour matched seat cowls like yours?
  16. JBravo

    New FZ6 Owner

    Hi all, picked up my first "big bike" yesterday after passing my test! It's an '07 S2, mint condition with 17k on the clock. I paid £2600 and the guy threw in a cover, chain lock and Oxford tank and tail bags! Looked like a good deal to me :) Felt nice an easy to get used to except the...