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  1. D

    Why can't the GOP keep it in their pants?

    Seriously, the GOP totally bashed Clinton when he got caught, they demanded he resign, they even went to impeachment hearings! But, they get caught and all of a sudden they should be allowed to finish out their terms? Hull-O McFly? Double standard much? If I were a Republican I would be...
  2. D

    Free press? Not anymore.

    The problem with the current system is there are too many lawyers and insurance companies that are hell bent on greedily profiting off the health of our nations citizens.
  3. D

    Largest tax increase in history?

    LOL! Like it was for the last 8 years, right? Thanks, I needed a laugh this morning! :thumbup:
  4. D

    John McCain protecting us from North Korea!

    He had the backbone to show that pirates what's up, didn't he? I believe this is a bold yet symbolic political move. It shows how even the most hardened political opponents (Obama and McCain) will work together to stop evil from threatening our county and the lands of our allies.
  5. D

    Who said it?

    I realize that anyone is able to edit wikipedia. Because of that fact, I always check the "sources" at the bottom of the wiki page to see if they agree with the information in the wiki article before using Wikipedia as a source. In this case, the two sources for the wiki page did agree with the...
  6. D

    Free press? Not anymore.

    Would you please share the source of this article?
  7. D

    Free press? Not anymore.

    I believe the explanation you are seeking is contained in the first six paragraphs of the in-depth analysis of the article I linked to on Here is the direct text of the in-depth analysis:
  8. D

    Who said it?

    If you have evidence the Wiki is incorrect, would you please post your source of said information? I merely used the wiki source because when I googled the first line of Cuba's post: "You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich." The wiki article was the very first result. You can...
  9. D

    Free press? Not anymore.

    That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. I disagree with it, and that is my right. Yes I did read the article. It plainly stated that the program would attempt to present a fair and balanced look at the proposed health care program. As bmccrary stated, we'll have to wait and...
  10. D

    Free press? Not anymore.

    My problem is you intentionally quoted the Drudge article in your thread, but only linked to the ABC article, which was a direct response to the Drudge article. You would think if you were so concerned about presenting both sides of an argument, you would post either links to both articles, or...
  11. D

    Promised transparency? Nope.

    Oh, I'm just getting started! :sinister: As long as this forum remains, you can count on me pointing out your blatent misrepresentation of facts, other people opinions, news stories, and historical quotations. See you tomorrow! :D So, no apology, then?
  12. D

    Promised transparency? Nope.

    You keep leaving out the important words. :rolleyes: Sounds like you are implying that it IS acceptable to hold Obama accountable to UNREASONABLE EXPECTATIONS? How, exactly does that work? :don'tknow: I'm interested to hear what those watching (if anyone even is) think as well. Is refusing...
  13. D

    Free press? Not anymore.

    It's only fair to post the entire article, Cuba. Editing it for effect is disingenuous.
  14. D

    Promised transparency? Nope.

    Here, Cuba, I'll start. I'm sorry for blatently twisting your statement to put the words above in your mouth. I was trying to make a point, so that you may see the flaws in your logic. I don't actually believe you think murder is acceptable, regardless of being caught or not.
  15. D

    Promised transparency? Nope.

    Show me where, exactly, I said it's unreasonable to hold a president accountable? You can't, because I didn't. You just lied. Obama didn't lie about the WMD's. He didn't cost our nation thousands of young soldiers lives. If he had, I would hold him accountable, as I said earlier. See...
  16. D

    Promised transparency? Nope.

    Kinda out of place on a motorcycle forum, right? Why does this forum exist, again? Nothing gets accomplished, nobody's minds get changed, it's full of hate and arguments, yet it continues to exist? :don'tknow:
  17. D

    Promised transparency? Nope.

    I knew you wouldn't understand, it's OK. That's Cheney-like subterfuge.
  18. D

    Promised transparency? Nope.

    So, you don't hold yourself accountable for your actions! You let someone else (a police officer) shoulder that burden! If they don't catch you, NO ACCOUNTABILITY. You are saying it's ok for you to commit murder as long as you don't get caught! Nice example of accountability! (Not much fun to...
  19. D

    Promised transparency? Nope.

    I dunno what you should have done, you're the one who's hung up on individual citizens holding the President accountable, so you think you'd have a plan on how to do that. Personally, I wrote my Senator and Representatives asking for Bush and Cheneys impeachment when their crimes came to light...
  20. D

    Promised transparency? Nope.

    ONE MORE TIME! WITH FEELING! I imagine he is forcing this issue because he wants the appeal process to be completed, thereby setting legal precedent for all Presidents to release all their guest lists. It's a sly political move. I wouldn't expect you to understand.