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  1. finboz


    old news but i just found an excellent video which pretty much sums up the final race :eek: brazilian grand prix
  2. finboz

    java fun

    copy the script below then go here, paste it into the address bar and press go to :Flash: you can do it with any web page but i thought this was more appropriate.
  3. finboz

    yamaha detune fz6 engine for new divy

    yamaha are bringing a new diversion out in 2009 using a detuned fz6 engine to make it more novice friendly, the biggest shock is its quite a nice looking bike. more here
  4. finboz

    fantastic contraption

    every now and again the internets deliver something which is so good you dedicate hours of your life to it, with this in mind dont click the link if you have anything important to do today :) you were warned 20 levels, 3 wheels, 2 types of joining rods. A move/edit tool and a delete tool...
  5. finboz

    Fat people blamed for global warming

    if you are fat and drive a 4x4 you shall now to be called satan. surely these scientists at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine have better things to do with their time, forget airlines, cars, America ;), supermarket packaging and lets blame fatties. to quote from the article...
  6. finboz

    history of new hampshire

    while looking at google maps to see where some of the members here live i noticed a lot of place names that are the same as the uk i.e PORTSMOUTH, NOTTINGHAM, BERWICK, NEWCASTLE, NEWMARKET, YORK, EXETER.........etc. do any of you know the history of the area ? im assuming a lot of foreign...
  7. finboz


    ok i like my fz6 but every biker aspires for something better, now all i need is for all of you to send me some money and make my dreams come true :Sport: http:/ducati-desmosedici .
  8. finboz

    how to behave on teh internets

    not that we have any problems here but quite amuzing all the same
  9. finboz

    women know your limits

    science to back up what we always suspected YouTube - Harry Enfield - Women know your limits
  10. finboz

    find yourself

    This thread is simple, just like its creator. Google Image search your own name and find someone who probably had a more interesting life than yours, or something completely random or wrong. finboz
  11. finboz

    warning - always wear your gear

    or at least some clothes :p do not click here is it a girl thing to sit on a motorbike backwards, cant say ive tried it myself:confused:
  12. finboz

    asian guide to survival in america
  13. finboz


    hi, having passed my bike test at the end of september i purchased a second hand (2004) 'faster' blue fz6 fazer and wow what a first bike. ive currently racked up around 1200 miles riding around scotland (in the rain mostly) and am wondering why i left it until i reached 35 years of age to get a...