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  1. D

    Lost a riding brother

    Friends say motorcyclist's throttle was stuck before fatal crash in Grand Rapids - Grand Rapids News - The Latest News, Blogs, Photos & Videos – He graduated with me, didn't know him very well though. First I heard he was drinking, then that his throttle got stuck. I can't imagine...
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    Tail light problems (LEDs)

    So I bought the bike (05) with an aftermarket led light, it kinda does a ghostrider like flash thing when im not on the brakes. When i hit them, it flashes. However, today for the 2nd time, a cager told me my tail light was out (and brake light). When i turn the bike off and back on, it works. i...
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    First real emergency stop

    So I was heading home after a St. Patty's day party (No, I didn't drink :thumbup: ), at about 1:00AM. Pretty major strip in Kalamazoo, by the college, but it was mostly deserted with a few partygoers driving around. Most of the lights around here switch to flashing yellow on the main roads, and...
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    Removing main fairing

    Hey guys, I want to replace my main fairing after scratching it pretty bad when I dropped it. I'm a little unsure of how to take it off though, and it isn't mentioned in the service manual that I have, or the owners manual. I'm talking about the main fairing that hold the windshield. I've got...
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    Stebel Horn

    Hey guys, can anyone post a great How-to for a Stebel horn? All the wiring seems overwhelming for me, especially the fact that you've gotta get the "wiring kit..." I wouldn't even know where to start... Thanks!
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    Butt Protection?

    I use bohn body armor that goes under your pants. However, while there is hip and tailbone protection, there is no padding for the "cheeks." Is this normal? Is that an area that doesn't normally get ground contact?
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    *Minor Gore* Ankle protection? (Not boots)

    So falling today and cutting my ankle has made me think. I firmly believe in AGATT, I'm not falling with my expensie gear sitting at home to not protect me. However, I am a professional pilot, and have to wear appropriate shoes to manipulate the controls properly. Since I plan on riding to...
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    Dropped it today...

    I guess it was bound to happen, but at least i had my sliders installed. I was in a small town just cruising, when i decided to go the other way. I was on a 2 lane road, which wasn't busy at all. I decided to turn left onto a side street to then turn around and make a right. While...
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    Washing the bike

    I know this seems like a stupid question, but I'm still new to this whole bike thing... How do you guys wash your bikes? I live in an apartment so I can't hook up a hose, is it ok to use one of those powerwashers at the do-it-yourself carwash? I know to oil the chain afterwards, any other...
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    Do you guys follow the shifting schedule in the manual? It says to shift from 1st to second at 15mph, etc. It seems that if you follow it, you never really get into the power band. If I recall correctly, it has you in 6th gear at around 50mph. The manual says you should always shift at those...