Search results

  1. FzPilot

    backwards tire?

    is it me or is this guy's tire mounted on backwards? from the thread pattern it looks to be backwards... I can't stress it enough how important this is in wet situations, this style tire mounted backwards would pretty much...
  2. FzPilot

    bulb question

    Gents, i am looking for a replacement light bulb to go into my stock rear light housing, I want to get the kind that flashes few times when the brake is applied and then goes solid. Any ideas? Thanks!
  3. FzPilot

    All fairings for Naked setup trade.

    I've been toying with an idea of converting my bike to naked version. So here is the question: Is there someone out there who has naked version and is interested going to the faired version? Yes I would consider switching tank and other pieces to match the color.
  4. FzPilot

    Pranked lol

    I don't care if you're Democrat or Republican, you have to be able to laugh one in a while, this is just hilarious! YouTube - Sara Palin Prank Call by Radio show
  5. FzPilot

    Google Chrome

    I have started using it today, so far I am blown away by the speed and features! EVERYTHING i loved about Firefox is included!, that means, on-the-fly spell checker too!!! :D Google Chrome - Download a new browser AWESOME!!
  6. FzPilot

    I voted! stop sending me all the "hate" propaganda! :spank: ;) Did you?
  7. FzPilot

    Robotics! - Big Dog

    If you like robotics, or technology in general, you'll enjoy this one: (be sure to check out their other robots) how it is able to handle ice! amazing! Boston Dynamics: The Leader in Lifelike Human Simulation
  8. FzPilot

    Who would you Vote for?

    I am very curious, as of toady (October 9th) who would you vote for? McCain or Obama? I do realize that most of you guys are somewhat to the "right" and I may probably get flamed on for giving my support to the Democratic ticket :spank: So if you'd be so kind, please vote here and give us...
  9. FzPilot

    Wisconsin trip - Pictures

    Went out camping in Wisconsin, past weekend, weather was great bike performed flawlessly as always (even the bm'rs did better this time ;)) Next trip: Tennessee!!!
  10. FzPilot

    damaged wheel - pics

    I need your opinion gents. I've done a very stupid thing :( I've gotten stuck on a freeway with another flat tire (second one in 3K miles) Knowing that I'll be ordering a new one, I drove very slowly on the flat. Everything was fine until I was forced to go over a small pothole... I bent...
  11. FzPilot

    Fall off get back on!

    great vid! :) (sorry if it was posted before!) MySpaceTV Videos: Rider Chases MotoGP Bike After Falling by Neil
  12. FzPilot

    Sidi Vertigo Air

    Gents, I finally got myself a nice set of boots. Took a bit longer but wanted to hold of and get me a nice pair. Unfortunately I have nothing to compare them with since this is my first pair of boots, however I'd like to share my experience so far, maybe it will help someone in decision...
  13. FzPilot

    Storage Boxes?

    Sorry for the dumb question gents, but the search button didn't find what I'm looking for. I am looking for side storage boxes for my Fz6. I like taking long haul trips and lack of storage is a real pain. How bad do these look like? any pictures? Thanks!
  14. FzPilot

    Flat tire - need advice.

    Gents, I apologize for what may seem as a stupid question, but, I am a newb :D I have just noticed my rear tire flat today :( (only 1500miles) After couple of phone calls, i've learned it's not recommended to patch and most shops won't even do it. None of the local shops in my area have...