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  1. carbonar1

    How To DIY Quick turn throttle.

    I did a bit of a search and came up with nothing...if this has been done before, Mods. please delete this post. :thumbup: This is a quick and easy way to turn your 1/4 of a turn standard throttle, into a 1/6th of a turn quick throttle. I've done this mod to many R1's, CBR1000's and Gixxers. I...
  2. carbonar1

    My R1's in the April SSB magazine.

    :BLAA:Check out this months Super Streetbike Magazine for a feature on my endurance style 06 R1. Here's a teaser... Unfortunately it'll take a month or more for it to arrive in Aus, by bottle on the ocean currents! So you you US guys will have it before me....enjoy. :)
  3. carbonar1

    Accurate Chain Adjustment ?

    Hi gang, I've had an 05 FZ6n for a couple of months now. I bought it stock, with very low mileage but unloved. I've been slowly working my way though it freshening it up and improving it. It's for my wife, although I have been blowing the cobwebs out of it occasionally. I've put new Bridgestone...
  4. carbonar1

    ATT Wolfman.

    Your PM's are full. ;)