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  1. D

    Problem with lights after repairs

    Hi there! Somebody with poor parking skills rammed my bike 2 months ago and ran away. I have finally found some time to fix the bike - new kickstand, handlebars, foot rests etc., including a r6 fork mod - what a difference! Anyway, back to my issue. I have never had any problems with lights...
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    07-09 FZ6 fork legs set

    I am looking for a set of FZ6 07-09 fork legs set. I know people tend to replace them with R6 set, so hopefully some of you have the original one lying around. I live in the UK.
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    2005/2008 fork legs compatibility

    Hi there! I had a crash recently and my left fork leg got bended. I've got to money no spare right now and I think you are all familiar with yamaha genuine parts prices. I've found a guy selling fork legs set from 2005 FZ6 for a good price. The question is - will they fit on my 2008? They look...
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    FZ6 brake lever Q/brakes in general

    Hi there, I just lost a fight with Renault Clio 2 hours ago and I need to order some spare parts ASAP. 1, There is a chap on ebay offering genuine brake lever for 40 pounds, what is a great price around here. Blah Blah Blah... Is the brake lever the same for 2004+ and 2007+ versions? 2...
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    Kmh to Mph....Again

    Hi, I know this have been discussed several times ago, but without a result. I've just moved to UK with my FZ6, bought in central Europe. That "hold select button for x seconds" trick obviously doesn't work for me. It's important for me, as I am not on one week vacation and it's quite...
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    Buying FZ6

    Hello, I have been looking for a new bike for a moment now and somehow I've chosen the FZ6, as it has caught my eye :). I am currently deciding between 2 offers from the same dealer. FZ6 Orange - manufactured in 2006 - first owner, bought in 2007 - 4500e...