Recent content by Wyotech kid

  1. Wyotech kid

    need opinion more power

    Arrow makes a cat elim. Theres a few places that sell it so pick the best price. Makes sure its the right length because for older models they have a shorter pipe newer FZ6's have a longer one. As for cams you can do ok with the stockers but if you can find adjustable cam sprockets that'll...
  2. Wyotech kid

    changing oil in forks for better performance ?

    Yep the cheapest way to stiffen the forks is change to a heavier weight oil. If you want dirt cheap automatic tranny fluid will do the same thing. A good way to help out the forks is stiffer springs, a fork emulator, and oil. My instructor aka suspesion guru says that on my bike with 90kg...
  3. Wyotech kid

    Horsepower Adjustment thru gauge cluster

    I've heard different things for US and UK bikes. UK usually got the 90's and the US got high 70's to 80's. The dyno here at school has been calibrated by the Dynojet main man himself. Yet there are other factors which contribute to these low number, it was in Florida on a fairly warm day...
  4. Wyotech kid

    Horsepower Adjustment thru gauge cluster

    Well dang got my hopes up for nothing lol:( To bad this little trick can't be done on an US spec FZ6. I'd like to bump up the power from 78hp to a lil more. :thumbup:
  5. Wyotech kid

    Horsepower Adjustment thru gauge cluster

    If that really does work I will able to prove it with a dyno. I will try that and hope for the best and hopefully be able to get a dyno run next week if possible. If it does increase hp I'll know. I myself have an 07 US spec bike. And I've heard too that only the UK bikes can change hp like...
  6. Wyotech kid

    On off throttle responce...07 FZ6

    I agree with keeping the cables tight. But I read in a Sport Rider article recently about taking corners better. It may sound crazy but it works because I've been doing it works well on the street, waiting to try it at the track. When you start braking and prepare for the corner usually...
  7. Wyotech kid

    Anyone ridden a Monster 696?

    The new monster is quite a good. I've not ridden one at all but i've heard good things about it. As for the power department and I'm quoting a few instructors here at school even my euro teacher "Ducati sucks straight from the factory" Reasoning behind it is because (and im sure we all...
  8. Wyotech kid

    What would cause this problem? is it TPS?

    Just a quick thought you might check the lean angle sensor too. If it has moved or malfunctions it'll kill the bike, turn it on and off even though the bike hasn't fallen over.
  9. Wyotech kid

    Power Loss

    Is it constantly putt putt putt or just sumtimes? Start with the basics, check your plugs to see if they're good and snug maybe they came lose. Open up the airbox to see if anything may be blocking anything. Since its fuel injected the computer puts out what it gets in. Garbage in...
  10. Wyotech kid

    what are the co's??????

    Speaking of power gains but not on the subject of CO's, does anyone know if there are adjustable cam sprockets for an fz6?:confused: I can find R6 cam sprockets but i seriously doubt the two cams are compatible and can be interchanged.
  11. Wyotech kid

    Noticing a trend in FZ6 Horsepower Obsession

    I'm all for modding my FZ6, but I know I can't turn into something its not. In my opinion what good is all that power if you can't use it the right way. Quote from Yamaha. " Power without Precision is pointless" :thumbup: I get the same question as well, why didn't you just get an R6...
  12. Wyotech kid

    AGV T-2 Helmet Review

    Definately like the new T-2. :thumbup: Nice to see a cross of race and street ideas put into one. I wouldnt trying it out, I've tried the GP-Tech on once before and was really pleased by the lightweight and fit. Granted it was a only a large and probably could have went with a medium...
  13. Wyotech kid

    Boots, and the almost never ending search

    Sidi for me!!!!:thumbup: Got a pair of Sidi B-2, 2 years ago. A fair trade of comfort and protection. I've worn then all day long and only complaint I've ever had is the achilles would squeak when I first got them. Nothing a little WD40 couldnt fix and no more squeak but I havent had to do...
  14. Wyotech kid

    First REAL study about LOUD PIPES

    They should have done that test down here is Daytona during bike week and biketober fest. That will clearly get a mad mob going lol. That test is a sign of people being bored lol. So if this "was" true that means that all people who fly jets and big planes must have really tiny...
  15. Wyotech kid

    Oil Filter Stuck - help!!

    Well the sumo wrestler is part of the problem with filters sticking. Had a few at school do that, crushed the filter almost (sucks cuz we dont get new ones since its practice). I've always been told to put old oil of the gasket of a new filter (did it but never knew why) Well instructors...