Recent content by trick6

  1. T

    Oz's Question of the day #62(4/8/09)

    pm sent...great fun, thanks for posting all these
  2. T

    What did you do to your FZ today?

    i just got my bar end mirrors (ebay) and mounted them...monday i'm mounting the headlight, custom gauges bracket, and shortening the harness for those, almost completing the naked look i'm goin for.
  3. T

    Oz's Question of the day #58(31/7/09)

    sent my PM guess
  4. T

    Oz's Question of the day #56(29/7/09)

    PMed my guess
  5. T

    Harley type bikes on highway with no windscreen..

    i crashed my fz6 about a month ago, busted the front fairing, so i decided to go naked. i rode it today for the first time with no windscreen, and was surprised how little the wind blast bothered me. it actually felt kinda cool with my shirt sleeves flappin a little harder, haha.
  6. T

    Who needs cats...

    seriously, holy crap!! where do things like that come from?? and yes, i will have nightmares!!
  7. T

    A newb on the rise...

    apparently the video guy's fave is wheelies....mad props on stunting an fz6 though. stunting is my favorite kind of riding to watch on tv, and we just don't see enough of our bikes doing it. now that you mention it, i think mine needs this kind of treatment......
  8. T

    First time at the drag strip

    my first time at the drag strip was down the 1/8 mile track. also used to race mx. i only got to run once, but i had a .063 reaction time and ran 7.78 at 93 mph i believe. dont know if this is much help since you're measuring in km/h and also the 1/4 mile...or whatever canada's equivalent is? do...
  9. T

    Lets see where you work

    i work for the local nissan dealership, tanner-deen nissan. i'm a mechanic there, and i absolutely love it. our whole shop is heated and air conditioned, and the building is only 3 years old. i don't have any pics, but here's the website for it. OpenDNS
  10. T

    FZ6 slower with premium fuel?

    i'm no bike wrench, but i am an automotive technician and know a little bit about high revving performance type engines as well as the average internal combustion engine. i also know that the most common misconception about gasoline is that people think there's premium gas and then...
  11. T

    Potential Riders MUST READ!!!!!

    i have actually owned a street legal bike for 7 months 04 fz6 i got for 3900 bucks with less than 6000 miles on the first unaccompanied ride on two wheels was on a honda z 50 when i was 4 years old (i'm 22 now). rode motocross on the local amateur circuit from age 12 to 17...
  12. T

    Do you use your helmet bag??

    i use my helmet bag....keep the spare in it. and it's got a handy string so i can toss it over my shoulder when i head across town to pick up the g/f for a ride.
  13. T

    i just want your opinion!!!

    in my opinion, you seem to be having a hard time picking your line through the curves...also seemed a little excessively dangerous to shoot between cars going different could panic/twitch and take out all three of you. be sure to post the video from when (not if) you crash.
  14. T

    Front wheel shake on deceleration

    i bought my 04 fz6 used this past january with 6200 miles from a girl in the air force who only rode it around base. i immediately noticed that if i take my hands off the handle bars when slowing down the front wheel starts to shimmy pretty good and gets increasingly worse until i grab them...