Recent content by ThirtyTwo

  1. T

    Older Posts

    Well, I don't have a motorcycle yet...saving up for an FZ6, so I'm hanging out on the forum trying to live vicariously through you riders who already have a bike. Since I don't have much experience with motorcycles but a couple of advanced degrees politics and a term as a city councilman, a...
  2. T

    Older Posts

    I was just scanning this Underground Politics section and saw that much of it has to do with criticism of the man in office right now, Barack Obama. So, I wondered if there was a balance, namely criticism of his predecessor, George W. Bush. Unfortunately, I can't tell because this section...
  3. T

    The GM "plan"

    I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the "rightness" of the Feds' management of GM, but I do have a question: Why is it that the auto industry is such a sensitive topic? It seems that people have strong opinions of what car manufacturers are up to, how they're doing, how they run their...
  4. T

    Break-In Dillemma

    My wife just bought a new 2008 Pathfinder (in 2009) and it's good to know it's got a good engine. Sorry for the thread-jack, but it's good info. Much appreciated.
  5. T

    CO riders

    I did happen to talk to Adam today but he didn't have any used FZ6's. He seems like a nice guy and if I go for a new bike, I'll definitely talk to him. Morrison is by Red Rocks out west of town.
  6. T

    New member welcome thread..

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm 42 and just started riding a few months ago. A trip to Thailand got me hooked and then a buddy with lots of bikes lets me try his out. Can anyone recommend a good place in the Denver area to buy and service an FZ6? Thanks also because the support here...
  7. T

    CO riders

    Hi, I'm in Morrison and looking to buy an FZ6, 2007-2009. Where would you guys recommend I pick one up? Thanks