Recent content by SteveH41

  1. SteveH41

    Abolish road tax.

    It's not just road tax though, fekin fed up with everything I do somewhere down the line being taxed by the robbing politician bas**rds. Slightly off topic but one thing that always makes me laugh is in those so called "reality" police programs on uk TV. "Chav Mc Jockstrap was later fined...
  2. SteveH41

    Bike shop should be ashamed

    She should have done more research on best bikes for her situation, the dealer was wrong to a certain extent but she must take most of the blame for her lack of understanding of what she was buying. Should have walked away and got some advice, crikey the internet is full of it! (mainly duff...
  3. SteveH41

    Newish battery went dead / need help using multimeter

    Re: Multi meter DCV 20 range for checking battery with probes plugged into the ones they are now. Same for continuity but low ohms range instead
  4. SteveH41

    Scorpion install - low end power loss?

    I know this is a very old post but have experienced the same, last weekend disconnected battery and did an ECU reset, took the bike out ( no db killers installed) noticed that it cured the hunting idle issue but bottom end did feel a bit lacking. Went home, reinstalled db killers and went back...
  5. SteveH41

    End of the FZ6

    I'm after either a CBR 600F or RR, possibly a Ninja or lastly GSXR 600. Gonna keep the FZ6s though :)
  6. SteveH41

    Police woman escapes prosecution after killing biker

  7. SteveH41

    Police woman escapes prosecution after killing biker

    The mobile phone ban while driving in the UK is a joke anyway, I see more now than ever before, some old fat cow in an ancient ford ranger was behind me last night while stuck in traffic, you could see her quite clearly texting, so engrossed was she that the lights changed and everyone f**ked...
  8. SteveH41

    Oh Dear!!

    But guess who's going to be footing the repair bill though............................................ US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. SteveH41

    Contemplating getting a FZ6 2005, worth it?

    Sorry but a 2nd hand sale always has to be open to negotiations, if he won't then walk away. Make sure its had the TPS recall done and the front sprocket nut replaced under warranty.
  10. SteveH41

    Finally Replaced the Battery

    I started using an optimate when I got my bike, about 2 months ago I smelled something like sulphur in the garage and thought it was my battery overcharging etc so got a new battery and fitted it. Got the same smell a couple of weeks ago, decided to go outside and have a sniff, would appear that...
  11. SteveH41

    I finally went through with it!

    looks like someone has shoved a scaffold pole up its ar$e :)
  12. SteveH41

    Vosges, France, to shut passes in the weekend to bikers.

    Re: Vosges, France to shut passes in the weekend. Bloody French again...............pppffffttttt....
  13. SteveH41

    Winter as arrived.

    well well well, the rain has given way to splendid sunshine if a little breezy. I'm off out on the BIKE!!!!!!
  14. SteveH41

    What would you eliminate in today's society and why?

    Mobiles, necessary evil for most people but would happily get rid of them, give me more time to work instead of having the damn thing stuck to my ear.
  15. SteveH41

    exhaust instalation?

    Yup. getting them aligned is a royal pain but once done they look the dogs, you tried them with the DB killers out yet???? as our american cousins would say "AWESOME!!!" :)