Recent content by sQuijeW

  1. S

    Tragically might be selling the fz6

    Sorry to hear about her and your situation. I hope everything works out for the best! Take care of her first before you worry about the bike
  2. S

    Rear brakes

    low speed maneuvering. i always use it in conjunction with my front brakes
  3. S

    FZ6 vs. FZ8

    What are the pros/cons of having an FZ6 over an FZ8 and vice versa? Why did you choose the fz6 and not the fz8? Does the FZ8 offer anything that the fz6 does not?
  4. S

    Girlfriend moaning about grips!

    i hear it's one size fits all
  5. S

    FZ6N Headlight direction

    idk about having your headlight point in a direction where you are not going. there are a lot of drunkards in the uk, but the majority of people still look and drive straight ahead... ;)
  6. S

    Clutch release and stalling :(

    take MSF, get a 250.
  7. S

    07 s2 nekkid/r6 exhast

    could you swap the seats and handle bars of the r6 to make it more comfortable?
  8. S

    Electric Bikes

    i would not ride an electric motorcycle, let alone an electric car, for the purposes of saving this planet. more pollution comes from the plants producing the electricity than from actual individual vehicles. besides, in the event of a emp catastrophe i would like to be able to still...
  9. S

    Fz6 r6?

    buy an r6....
  10. S

    07 s2 nekkid/r6 exhast

    why didnt u just nakify an r6?
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  12. S

    Showing ID Card while on a bike (Military, etc)

    dont worry about holding up the line. 1) pack your id deep in one of your bags 2) when you get asked for your ID, turn off your bike and take off yoru helmet and gloves. 3) dismount your bike and proceed to slowly look through your bag 4) find your id and show it to the person 5) replace...
  13. S

    Tour De Cure

    i was working at the check in station in reston town center. i worked on the food/drink distribution and pretty much everything else there
  14. S

    Should low miles be a concern?

    is 15k miles a lot for a 2006 fz6?
  15. S

    Tour De Cure

    good job on completing that ride man! i worked at the event as a volunteer so i probably saw you congrats on your success and keep up the work toward your goal!