Recent content by Mobius

  1. Mobius

    MotoGP Results From Motegi

    i'm just downloading the race from the net, i wasn't able to see it. I went last week to see the motogp in Estoril, damn, it was fantastic, check this out: Filmed by myself!!! I loved it!!!
  2. Mobius

    Posted pics of my FZ6.

    What a tough luck... But hey, mine was worst, with my first fz6, the first day i went out with her, a dude went berserk with me and pushed me outside the road, he runaway and i was on the ground injured with my fz6 all f*cked up... I was able to get up and to look at the bike, then all my...
  3. Mobius

    unbelievable skills

    Imagine what he could do with an fz6..
  4. Mobius

    What do you look like?

    Hey, you are all scaring the lady!!! I suggest you all have some manners!
  5. Mobius

    What do you look like?

    so, she isn't your girlfriend, right? :) joking
  6. Mobius

    Welcome 500th Member

    what did he get? a new bike? some gloves? a helmet?? damn i should have waited a little longer!
  7. Mobius

    What do you look like?

    I was just asking a simple question! I didn't wanted to be disrespectful.. Sorry.
  8. Mobius

    What do you look like?

    Hi there!!! Hey are you planning any visit to Portugal? :D
  9. Mobius

    Another new lady FZ6 rider

    we are all used to see the pretty bikes we all have, and what about a picture of the lady who rides that bike?
  10. Mobius

    What do you look like?

    yeah, that night i was making a statement agains a sportbike, and guess what, i won!!!! Great road with lots of corners!!!!
  11. Mobius


    Damm, here in Portugal i don't even think we have snakes with venom on its fangs and i'm happy about that!
  12. Mobius

    What do you look like?

    can you see anything? :thumbup:
  13. Mobius


    i have a dainese gloves, very confortable and with great protection, they are high-class i think and expensive but worth the money!
  14. Mobius

    What is the average age of FZ6 rider?

    Damn i can't remenber the 60's as well. ;)