Recent content by koolfz6

  1. koolfz6

    questions from a prospective buyer

  2. koolfz6

    Out for the count

    sorry to hear that. Hope you get well soon. riding weather is around the corner.
  3. koolfz6

    chain adj question??

    I measure with the chain relaxed and then push up. Then make my adjustment. Also, I use what ever Yamaha has as chain lube.
  4. koolfz6

    Picked up my new bike:)

    i found that after the bike has about 3k miles on it the shifting is alot better. Also the higher the revs the eaiser it is.
  5. koolfz6

    ran into a buddy today

    Maaaannnn, In the state of oregon, if you are suspended or have no insurance they will tow you bike now questions answered/asked. They don't play games here. Anyway, glad everything is ok.
  6. koolfz6

    Well the hard part is done

    Congrats, Enjoy your new FZ6 when you get it. Practice when ever you get the chance. :thumbup:
  7. koolfz6

    Reluctantly having to sell my late 06 FZ6

    thats too bad, sorry to hear that. Hope things lookup for ya.:thumbup:
  8. koolfz6

    new to the forum

    :welcome: Enjoy, Ride Safe.:thumbup:
  9. koolfz6


    I am not sure i am going to take my off now! :thumbup:
  10. koolfz6

    How many of cheat when stopping at a stop sign?

    I do the same thing. Depends on traffic flow, and the intersection.:thumbup:
  11. koolfz6

    Exhaust Pipe Polishing

    looks great, i am going to have to find me some of that stuff.
  12. koolfz6

    Craig Jones (RIP)

    R.I.P. Craig, thoughts to his family. :(
  13. koolfz6

    What is this cover w/ Yamaha on it?!

    Some aftermarket places make covers that sport the carbon fiber look to cover up stuff like that. J&P Cycles® Carbonworks Case Covers I believe you have to choose the one that says 06-07 R6, seeings how the engine is the same as a R6.
  14. koolfz6

    What scares you the most?

    cagers on cell phones is what scares me the most.
  15. koolfz6

    luggage pictures/problems

    :thumbup:mine works fine, have no problems. I did however make sure to purchase the kind that will work with undertail exhaust.