Recent content by KensFz6

  1. KensFz6

    new FZ6- Too much to pay?

    I saw one just like mine (08 c.Blue) going for 4500 in the cyclefocus magazine last week.
  2. KensFz6

    Do you use the kill switch?

    Every time. I think I developed the idea/habit from my training class where instructors would tell us to put the bike in N before shutting it off. At the time I had trouble getting the bike into N while running so I would Put the stand down instead then move it to N easier. (I don't have this...
  3. KensFz6

    Bags/luggage recommendations???

    The net can handle a 24 pack cube of Pepsi so I'd imagine a backpack would work as long as it fits under it. The hooks work really well with the passanger grab handles but may leave scuffs or scratches if you're not careful.
  4. KensFz6

    Bags/luggage recommendations???

    I use a JoeRocket helmet backpack. This thing is awesome. Plenty of pouches, water resistant and storage for a few days of clothes or what have you. and a Bungee net I got from the dealer. The net is really useful and has served me well when taking grocery bags, cases of pop and even my...
  5. KensFz6

    Worst oil change ever...

    I've done mine only a few times and it's tricky but I manage. Sand paper and a filter socket work for me but I've never used foil for draining. I always make a mess but I put cardboard down. I just changed mine about a week ago with no real problems. Then I finally put it away and put stabil...
  6. KensFz6

    RFID vs Photo tolls

    I finally broke down and bought an IPass the other day. But now that I have it, I am reminded of something of a controversy and after a little bit of googling, haven't found a relevant rant about it so here goes. If you use an RFID transponder (I-pass, EZ pass etc) Your vehicle needs to be...
  7. KensFz6

    Relationship advice sought

    Thanks. Wish me luck.
  8. KensFz6

    Motorcyclist shot in back from traffic cop

    Turning to face someone who is likely shouting at you seems to me like an expectable reaction.
  9. KensFz6

    A legal nightmare in Oregon

    I'm not saying that the law in question isn't there for good reason, or that the husband shouldn't have been arrested at the scene. But to have it drawn out like this after trying to get her husband back is what has me confounded. I did watch the videos and it seems apparent that the judge...
  10. KensFz6

    A legal nightmare in Oregon

    I saw this story on Nightline last night and it's got me so mad that I couldn't stop thinking about it all night while I was at work. Nightline - ABC News A husband beats his wife in his sleep, she gets scared and confused and calls 911, he gets arrested and now is facing felony domestic...
  11. KensFz6

    Helmet stolen - Majorly pissed off

    Sorry to hear about your helmet. Hooligans! :mad: Although it might be easier to find a safe spot at work for your helmet than you think... When I ride to work, I take my helmet inside and hang it by the rings around the hooks of a pair of coat hangars and then put my jacket on the hangar...
  12. KensFz6

    Oil level affecting smooth shifts?

    Yep. On the center stand and waited about 2-3 minutes after adding before checking. It just seems like such a night and day difference but I barely added much oil at all which is why I was wondering if maybe someone else had noticed it as well.
  13. KensFz6

    Oil level affecting smooth shifts?

    I finally got some time to ride this week since the weather has gotten nice. I changed my oil yesterday, (Rotella T 5w40, no filter change). I put the recommended amount in but was still a bit low after checking but still in the hash marks. I oiled the chain and then set off for a quick ride...
  14. KensFz6

    Poll it up...How many people ride & listen to music?

    Sure, it's a good idea to be able to hear everything around... But IMO, there aren't many situations where sounds play a great factor in avoiding danger. Aside from horns sirens and explosions, the engine and wind noise will drown out anything else. Earplugs also drown out most noises. Many...
  15. KensFz6

    Poll it up...How many people ride & listen to music?

    I use a cheap but fairly effective noise canceling cell phone headset/ ear buds. On the lowest volume setting, they're seem louder than I normally listen to music at home (using a cheapo headphone headset also) and ,as long as they stay in my ears, I can still hear it up to 55 mph. I'd love...