Recent content by hellstormer

  1. hellstormer

    WTB OEM FZ6S2 Exhaust (2008)

    Can an S1 OEM exhaust fit into an S2 ? Pardon for my ignorance, cos the part number seems to be different...
  2. hellstormer

    WTB OEM FZ6S2 Exhaust (2008)

    Can an S1 OEM exhaust fit into an S2 ? Pardon for my ignorance, cos the part number seems to be different...
  3. hellstormer

    WTB OEM FZ6S2 Exhaust (2008)

    Clearing your storeroom ? Let me know... Cheers !
  4. hellstormer

    LASER "X-treme" Exhaust for your stock + cash

    I would like to have a stock exhaust and I have a LASER X-treme Exhaust on the bike. So we trade, I get your worthless stock exhaust plus cash, you get my LASER X-treme Exhaust. We both pay our own shipping. My location, Singapore. LASER 'X-treme' Exhaust System tapered (4 x...
  5. hellstormer

    overseas buying/shipping

    You guys are great !!! Thanks for the offer !!!
  6. hellstormer

    Puig Wind Screen

    Thanks pal for the sound advise.... Cheers !!!:rockon:
  7. hellstormer

    Puig Wind Screen

    That cool bro !!! Any idea which shop got the best deal ??? Thought of importing it for own use...
  8. hellstormer

    Digital Voltmeter

    I thought of that too but the voltmeter will be onz permantly... dat why just tap on the signal light (think of tapping at the switch but a lot of work to dismantle it)...:( I'm so relieve to hear all the positive comment about the dual headlight mod... Then let the voltmeter for display...:p
  9. hellstormer

    Digital Voltmeter

    Since I've done the mod on the dual headlight, I love it !!! But I'm very concern about it hurting the rectifier and draining off the battery faster than usual. Hence, I have decided to install a digital voltmeter... Manage to fine one (brand : shadow, claim to be weatherproof)...
  10. hellstormer

    bd43's 07 Headlight Mod Part 2

    I've done the mod on Tue, using limited local resources. Cos it too costly for Mr. Yamaha to send me the harness...:(:( Anyway, super mod !!! Once again thanks duke for the wonderful info...
  11. hellstormer

    Anyone got a Scott Oiler?

    Yes, I've install it on my bike since I've started riding 10 yrs ago...Its transferable, that means that when you want to sell your bike remove it and plug into the new bike, great value for $$$...:Sport: Its pretty easy to install, jus follow the menu will do...
  12. hellstormer

    chain lube

    Pic updated... It acutally works on the vacuum principle... That means when bike moves, it lube. Bike stop, it stop... Lube speed can be controlled...
  13. hellstormer

    200 miles one tank

    I'm riding a 05 FZ6 (near stock)... My mileage is ard 270km (168miles) when the the reserve light started to blink... Travel in the city 80% of the time (speed of 20~50km, 12~30mph ), the rest is highway (our limit is only 90kmh,56mph) but ave going I'm going ard 100kmh (62.5mph)... Is there...
  14. hellstormer

    chain lube

    I've installed Scottoiler... Yes, you don't need to have the hassle of when to oil your chain anymore... It can be transfer from bike to bike (most of them I mean). This current set have being with me for 5 years already (2 different bikes). Very popular here in Singapore, cos you would not...
  15. hellstormer

    Two Brothers Carbon Fibre Exhaust - Boneman

    Wow Boneman, superb job !!! Well done !!! Wish that I can install one here...droopzz... I'll dream of it tonite... Any means to share how it sound ???