Recent content by Decor58

  1. D

    Underlying electrical fault or just a bad part?

    Hi all, Last year my bike started playing up, on random occasions when I let the revs drop below 1500 rpm the engine would stop. I could never figure out why and there was no pattern to when it happened. If I switched the bike off and on again it would work fine. Eventually the bike died...
  2. D

    Fork oil weight

    Well I got the forks done last Thursday, then went and did about 200 miles over the weekend with pillion and the bike feels amazing!! Used 7.5w and the bike handles great!
  3. D

    Fork oil weight

    Thanks Steve, I think I might go for the 7.5w then, I do think it dives a bit quick but not excessively so I'll go for the middle option!
  4. D

    Fork oil weight

    My left fork is leaking oil so I want to replace the oil and seals, but I'm unsure what weight to use. As I'm sure many of you will know, yamaha simply say to use their owm '01' oil, however on wemoto it suggest you use a common synthetic fork oil and lets you choose the weight you want...
  5. D

    New member welcome thread..

    Hey guys, Name is Rob, I've been riding a FZ6-S 2004 for just over a year now and added about 8000 miles to it :) I love riding it and doing what bits of maintenance I can, although I have had to take it to the garage once since I've had it as I couldn't solve the problem, it turned out to...