Recent content by CodeMonkey

  1. CodeMonkey

    Have you had your FZ6 stolen, attempted stolen or vandalized?

    I bought my 2008 FZ6 brand new and didn't have a problem while I was married because we lived in a decent neighborhood and we had a security system on the house and a spotlight on my driveway at night. I moved to an older house last year and kept it parked in my driveway up close to the house. I...
  2. CodeMonkey

    Im an idiot

    I haven't dropped my new FZ6 and I hope that will never happen. However, my first motorcycle was a brand new 1982 Yamaha 920 Virago and I dropped it almost every other week. Had a nice Windstar fairing, but had it removed after damaging it too many times.
  3. CodeMonkey

    Bi-Xenon projector with angel eye installed

    I'd like to do the same for my FZ6, but I can't afford it right now. Maybe in a month or two. If anyone wants to go in it with me and live close to Oklahoma let me know. Or if you live in Salt Lake City, I have family there who will be visiting us during the summer.
  4. CodeMonkey

    howd you find your fz6

    I went to the dealer to look at a Hyosung GT250R and almost bought it but felt I better bring the wife along to give her approval. I Googled Hyosung and listened to the bike on YouTube. I wasn't thrilled on how the v-twin sounded but still considered buying it. The next day I brought my wife and...
  5. CodeMonkey

    Foot pegs

    Do you remember the Mr. Parker, the father on A Christmas Story and how he wanted to see how fast he could change a flat on the family car? I'm Mr. Parker. I'm the type of guy who will time himself on how fast he can do certain tasks. I'm also the guy who finishes his task only to find extra...
  6. CodeMonkey

    What GPS do you use?

    I have a Garmin Nuvi 360. It had bluetooth that I don't use, an MP3 player that I don't use, and I'm sure a bunch of other stuff that I don't use. I haven't taken any trips where I am not familliar with the roads so I don't use my GPS very often. It has an attachment to give me traffic...
  7. CodeMonkey


    I had a flat tire on my FZ6 last Thursday. I didn't know I had a flat tire until I took a left turn at an intersection. When I leaned a bit it felt like I had hit some oil in the road. When I pulled over I check the tire for oil and didn't find any, so I continued riding. About a half mile from...
  8. CodeMonkey

    Do you let other people ride your bike?

    Many years ago I had travelled to a small town where a rodeo and carnival was going on. The rodeo queen talked me into letting her take my 1982 XV920J Virago for a spin, stating she owns a motorcycle and knew how to ride. I sat on the back while she was struggling to keep my bike upright. When...
  9. CodeMonkey

    Foot pegs

    Re: new screw in plates I'm going to sound naive here, please forgive me if I do. I am debating on the inserts vs. the full sets. I personally want pegs that nobody else in my town has (vs. getting mass produced and/or after market pegs). I like having the inserts for ease of installation...
  10. CodeMonkey

    FZ6 US Pony Express

    I'm in Oklahoma City, and I wouldn't mind volunteering for this unless there is someone already selected for this area.
  11. CodeMonkey

    Do you use your FZ6 mainly for commuting or pleasure?

    The majority of the time I use my bike to commute. It must be for pleasure too, there are times I'd rather freeze taking it to work than a warm car. I picked up a nail last week in my rear tire and didn't have time to fix or ride it until this morning. I got up early just so I could remove the...
  12. CodeMonkey

    Full Faced Helmet

    I PREFER up but I keep them down. I rarely use glasses under my visor so I keep it down for safety. Plus I don't want a ticket for riding without eye protection.
  13. CodeMonkey

    Opinions and Thoughts Requested

    A.) You guys know that new tires are slick, right? I didn't know new tires are slick. I guess new tires on a brand new motorcycle aren't slick. I bought mine with only 2 miles on it, so I guess the service people took care of that. Plus I rode my bike home very carefully since I hadn't been on a...
  14. CodeMonkey

    2009 weight contest

    Eighteen months ago I weighed 265, had a scare that sent me to the hospital (high BP), worked at getting my weight down to 221 through diet and exercise. I was on BP meds until my weight dropped and my BP dropped as well. I've been slacking off, eating fast foods, snacking over the holidays...
  15. CodeMonkey

    Scottoiler fitment

    Obviously that worked. :thumbup: Ahh, sarcasm... :D