Recent content by BigRatt

  1. BigRatt

    highway pegs

    I'm glad someone ressurected this thread. I've been shopping for a cruiser for longer distances because my legs and hips get angry with me after about 100 miles or so on the fz. I no sooner mentioned to my girlfriend that I should just put highway pegs on the fz than I ran across this. I would...
  2. BigRatt

    Loss of power problem

    I don't know if I'm understanding your problem correctly. Is it almost like the engine just gives a little pause then gets back to work? My 07 has done this occasionally ever since I got it (brand new, btw). It seems more pronounced when I start it up on a cold night and take right off - usually...
  3. BigRatt

    Do you ride in the rain..

    This reminds me, I need to lube my chain. My girlfriend and I were out riding back highways yesterday trying to chase the blue patches of sky. ;) I prefer not to show up to work drenched or to ride when its below 30F since my gear consists of helmet, leather jacket and jeans. Both have...
  4. BigRatt


    If we had a choice of naked on our side of the pond, I'd have bought it. I do like the convenience of the digital package in the fairing. If, say, a bat flies into my fairing and damages it, I won't repair it. I'll go naked and buy a windscreen for longer rides. My 250 has nothing but an easily...
  5. BigRatt

    What to do with your helmet?

    I take it with me unless it would be extremely inconvenient to do so. One of the local bike shops warned me recently that there were hoodlums that had taken to cutting the straps on locked helmets. Just another temptation to just opt for my riding goggles on those short errand runs with lots of...
  6. BigRatt

    stupid cagers!!!!!

    Lmao. I admit it. The words "stupid biker" have come out of my mouth before.
  7. BigRatt

    stupid cagers!!!!!

    No offense, guys, but he swerved to avoid a full-size truck and found himself facing the bumper of a car. Braking in a swerve might not be textbook but his options were limited and he had very little time to mull the pros and cons. Braking and laying the bike down beats being thrown over a car...
  8. BigRatt

    New Member w/ Buying Question!

    Lol, yeah I just had to say it because I imagined myself rolling down the Interstate at 45 with flashers, cars honking as they sped by, and thought it sounded like something I would do impromptu to protest (*piss off*) everyone needlessly rushing around with thousands of pounds of steel...
  9. BigRatt

    New Member w/ Buying Question!

    Congrats on the new bike! Do what you have to to get it home. If the freeway is your only option and you are concerned, just drive easy. Min speed on Interstate in these parts is 45. That should be safe for the may want to put the emergency flashers on though. ;) In all...
  10. BigRatt

    New Member w/ Buying Question!

    I've run across some dealers like that. One actually expected me to pay the same price for a used Honda 599 that a dealer an hour away was asking for a new 919. There's no reason to feel forced into a shoddy deal. Way too many people out there selling way too many great bikes. It took me about 6...
  11. BigRatt

    New Member w/ Buying Question!

    Sounds like you're sold on the model. It's a great bike! Welcome to the community. :)
  12. BigRatt

    New Member w/ Buying Question!

    I agree. What they're asking seems a little high to me. Offer low, if they won't work with you then shop around.
  13. BigRatt

    New Member w/ Buying Question!

    A lot of it will depend on the dealer and the local demand. I can only relate my own experience. About two months ago I found three brand new 07 FZ6's at my local dealer. They wanted to get rid of them before the 09s came out. The sticker price was $6450. In two weeks they were all gone. I...
  14. BigRatt

    Are we death defying idiots?

    I was hesitant to post because my thoughts on this are kind of personal, but what the hell. The day after I signed the loan on my first bike life gave me a swift kick in the nads. Nothing I tried seemed to pull me out of the crappy rut I fell in and I kept getting worse. The bike was...
  15. BigRatt

    Do you let anyone borrow your vehicle?

    I'm open to loaning out my rides on a situational basis and consider any damages to be a risk I take in loaning. That being said, I only loan my cars and trucks to close friends and family. My 250 has only been ridden by a select few. My FZ6 is still just too new. Its a risk I don't want to...