Recent content by Aeon_Blue

  1. A

    You may be a motorcyclist if...

    C'mon guys, have some fun with this. Ready, Set, GO!! You may be a motorcyclist if: 1. You still consider it a good day to ride even if it's cloudy as f$%* outside. 2. You would rather ride your bike in 100+ degree weather than drive your car with perfectly good a/c. 3. You sometimes...
  2. A

    Has your bike ever hit the ground?

    I dropped my Gixxer K7 this past weekend. After a night of drinking (and taking a cab home) we were dropped off in our parking lot. I saw my baby sitting there peacefully sleeping. I decided it would be a good idea to sit on it and make vroom-vroom noises. The girl I was with decided to hop on...
  3. A

    Any riders near or in San Antonio?

    Anyone near?? Heading up after work today. Lookin for some people to ride with so Im not bored..
  4. A

    Should've worn sunblock =(

    Okay, so as far as I'm concerned...there are a few things that are apparent to me: 1. I am very sunburned. 2. I need a new rear tire. 3. I need to clean my chain. This Friday after work, I left from Laredo, TX and rode to Austin. Not that bad of a trip. It was about 225 miles in total...
  5. A

    Austin trip anyone??

    Anyone wanna meet up for a ride in Austin, Texas this weekend? I'm riding up today right after work. Lemme know... ;)
  6. A

    Anyone Ride through a Drive Through?

    Hellz yeah I've gone through a drive thru on the bike tons of times!! I don't even think about it anymore. I make pit stops every morning at the McDonald's up the street from my house to order a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit value meal every morning. I put everything in my backpack and i have a...
  7. A

    RIP Gary Mendez

    1 year ago, on this day, we lost a very good friend... Lonnie was a 23 year old firefighter and a very active memeber in the community. He loved motorcycles and could spend every single day of his life riding. Unfortunately, last year after his shift ended He was riding home and was struck by...
  8. A

    What Do You Do At Stoplights??

    I heard it is LEGAL in CA for you guys to ride through the middle of standstill traffic. Is that true?
  9. A

    What Do You Do At Stoplights??

    Just a curious question. What do you guys do while stuck at a traffic light with a little bit of down time? I usually ALWAYS stay in 1st gear while I check my mirrors for cagers. Once I see one pull up behind me I will relax a lil bit and maybe pop it into neutral and relax my posture and...
  10. A

    Any Texas Riders??

    Sorta kinda...Corpus is about 150 miles away from where I live in Laredo
  11. A

    Any Texas Riders??

    Hmmm...anyone willing to test their arse of steel by riding down to San Antonio or Austin?? =P
  12. A

    My Friends' Motorcycles (Laredo, TX)

    Naaa..not really. I have managed to sniff out every single set of curves down here. And if I get bored, I can venture up to San Antonio or Austin or Leakey. Lots of hill country and lots of curves =)
  13. A

    Any Texas Riders??

    Sounds good man. I'll do just that. It'll be like 3-4 of us riding up there staying with a cousin down near the downtown area. We head up Jul 2nd
  14. A

    Any Texas Riders??

    Where's my Texas riders?? Anyone near Austin or San Antonio? I'm making a trip up to Austin July 4th weekend with my friends. Maybe we can all meet up and take a ride.
  15. A

    My Friends' Motorcycles (Laredo, TX)

    So I've noticed. But honestly, I'm not all about stunting. I enjoy long twisty roads and hours of riding. The stunt thing is something I do as a side deal. I like it...but I much prefer to hit the curves >.< What part of Texas are you from man??