
2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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There comes a time when every bike must hit the ground due to operator error! Yesterday the EVIL Gravel took us out! Mind you this is 22,XXX miles and 5 years later and its the first time I've dropped her. :(:( Although I did find her resting on her side once as the centerstand sank in the hot asphalt. Tiny blems that no one sees....

But I write as it didn't have to go that way and it was my own fault for not paying attention until we stopped moving. It was VERY HOT 94+++°F and I'm in full black leathers and I needed shade. I pulled off into a gravel turnout and was keeping an eye on Mark while coming to a stop. While looking right, I placed my left foot in a hole (didn't see it, wasn't looking) and this SLOW MOTION PLAY of teetering, slowing the fall (I've got this), stopping the motion (I've got this) played out and finally just eased her down as best possible. My left foot just kept sliding deeper into the hole and until she was past the point of 'no return'. It was 7 seconds of frustration where the agony of defeat comes to mind. lol

Mirror, fairing, bar end, lever, generator case, shift lever....

Considering all the gravel roads I've ridden and the way I ride, well - it had to happen one day!

Moral of the story: in rough terrain, pay the hell attention!
Just glad you're OK. Gravel got me once as well, came to a stop and put my foot down on gravel. As you note, "I've got it", "I've got it", "I don't got it".

A couple of scuffs are trophies after all, but I'm sure that the bike will be pristine again in no time

Be safe out there
Good to know it was just a "lay over" and not really a fall. While I totally understand the dent to pride(the first time it happens) when we lay-it-over due to wrong footing, I say *just* since it has happened one-two many times with me to feel bad about it any more. It happened even after I consciously try not to get it into such situation, - inside our community and probably watched by a few folks as well. Even if nobody wanted to watch, in the heat of holding the bike upright, the throttle opens wide and the roar would make sure everybody looks, before the tilt sensor cuts the engine. So... meh.. pick it up and ride on. Ego will heal.
Man i forgot that even happened... Yep, as she neared the ground the throttle was cracked pretty good causing a bit of a squirm! lol Perhaps the final straw in letting go as the engine roars to laugh! -sigh-

Thats why shes called Crisis, right!

Thanks everyone! Its just adding to her character now!
Damn but it just goes to show that ww are all suscepitble, and as you said you ride gravel loads of the time. Glad your ok

my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
Glad you ok, s... happens!

Did a similar thing with my old Goldwing in Tennessee

I was hot, trying to do a U-turn (not a 3 point turn) and when on the crown of the road (it was very steeply crowned), I tipped over.

At least on that beast, it had the crash bars. A very minor scruff on them (way low) but s.. happens...

Speaking of holes to step in, I broke my RIGHT angle while at work many years ago going to a domestic (before retirement). I was stepping down onto flat grass (but there was a 6" deep hole you couldn't see) . I actually heard the ankle snap.

I had a FIRST day rookie with me, drive me to the hospital, its broke! We never got to the domestic(someone else did) but it sucked riding my KLR with a crutch strapped to the back of it for months.. Try kick starting on a crutch with a broken rt ankle hanging onto a crutch as the same time..(got pretty good at it actually).
Glad you are ok Randy. Fist priority.
Had a similar and funnier one like that last year. Had guests over and we were just serving coffee when my 20 year old calls with car trouble. So out I go to the driveway, but I left the bike on the edge of the driveway blocking my car. No worries. Throw a leg over, pop the stand up and walk her down 10 steps. One foot on the driveway and the other.... in that blasted hole in the lawn I was meaning to fix. Now I am leaning to the right. I looked like Marquez in super slo mo. And everyone is inside. For 5 minutes I am sinking, hell bent on keeping her off the ground and yelling for help! I feel ( and look ) like a frigging idiot. Finally the guests leave and rescue me. Oh. And the phone rings calling off the rescue mission.

Fixed the hole the next day. [emoji1]
Glad you're o.k. Randy. Just goes to show, if this can happen to an experienced rider like you it can happen to anyone. Damn gravel.....:Flip:
Oh yeah I'm in this club! :rockon: As long as you're okay brother!! :)

- thanks man!
Ya, I'm fine. Fact is, I've had so much fun on on her that I have no issues with her clothes being messed up a little! She's still the same girl on the inside, just a little wiser!

Seriously, after all the crap we've done together, its amazing we've lased this long!
So, it's been a good run based on love at first sight! haha!
Oh nooooooooo!
I tipped over on one of the group rides. We stopped just outside of Van Sant airport, road on my left foot and didn't realize the ground was lower under the grass for my right foot. I leaned to the right...