How often do you ride one handed

How often do you ride one haned?

  • As much as I can

    Votes: 16 11.6%
  • 50/50

    Votes: 45 32.6%
  • rarely

    Votes: 75 54.3%
  • Never

    Votes: 2 1.4%

  • Total voters

It's very comfortable but I notice I only do it if I'm riding with my dad which he doesn't ride as "passy" as I do so I guess I do it out of boredom? lol
I do it as much as I can which would be about a little less than 50/50. If I'm in chill mode, then I will do it more often. If in traffic or in a situation where I won't have to cover the clutch I have my hand off and on my hip. Top speed on the freeway curve going 85 one handed, that was fun.
why not no-handed ?

never really thought it would be a "thing" to make a thread over. i dunno: when i'm bored, when i'm driving at slow speed because there's a douchebag i can't get in front of, when i need to get something out of my tank bag, waving and pointing at stuff ... but i have no idea exacly howmuch of the time that occupies, i guess somewhere between rarely and 50/50
why not no-handed ?

never really thought it would be a "thing" to make a thread over. .......

I agree I don't really understand the reason for this thread, but I occasionally ride 1 handed when safe to do so. I also (very) occasionally ride no-handed when it's quiet enough on a straight road, for as long as my speed will keep me going :spank:
O.k. so I wanted to do a poll because it seems like the thing to do. How often do you ride one handed? I tend to do it quite a bit because it's more comfortable for me. I will even do it in small curves but never in traffic. How often do you find yourself doing it?

pretty much just on long rides when im getting cramped. or when my gloves are starting to aggravate me and i start messing with them...

although you should (at least on the track anyway) be able to ride 1H all the time. obviously traffic is a NO-NO.
As Vegas said, 1st exercise is to gauge riders and see if they belong in BRC2. We don't require a one-handed weave, but it sure helps us see if you've got basic control mastered.

I did not realize that the BRC2 was that hardcore! I want to do it some day.
I did not realize that the BRC2 was that hardcore! I want to do it some day.

It's not. But we expect all of the riders to be proficient enough where they can ride. We are not there to go over the most basic fundamentals which are covered in the BRC, we expect that you already know this, such as counter steering. Sometimes, you have riders who think they belong in the class and they really don't.
why not no-handed ?

I do that at least once a week. Hammer on the throttle get going at a good speed on the freeway on ramp. Let go and fly for a second before I slow back down and merge with the rest of the rat race.

Also do it if a light changes in front of me and I know I have a long slow deceleration. I will go hands free, stretch the wrist and coast up till about 10-15 mph then the steering needs input again.
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I do that at least once a week. Hammer on the throttle get going at a good speed on the freeway on ramp. Let go and fly for a second before I slow back down and merge with the rest of the rat race.

Also do it if a light changes in front of me and I know I have a long slow deceleration. I will go hands free, stretch the wrist and coast up till about 10-15 mph then the steering needs input again.

Check with your local laws. In Nevada, a rider must always have at least one hand on the handlebars while riding. And even there weren't any laws, no hands on the handlebars could be interpreted as reckless riding. And it's dangerous.
Check with your local laws. In Nevada, a rider must always have at least one hand on the handlebars while riding. And even there weren't any laws, no hands on the handlebars could be interpreted as reckless riding. And it's dangerous.

Funny you bring that up as cage drivers do it and I'd guess if given the choice it would likely appear as though WE ARE MORE CARELESS by riding hands free - when the fact is the cage would likely do more destruction if off course!!

I don't have a throttle miser but do coast down a certain hill hands free and steer with my knees. Specifically a field on both sides where I can SEE from a long ways off if animals are present (DEER, etc..). Its 99.9 percent risk free short of something falling from the sky.
Check with your local laws. In Nevada, a rider must always have at least one hand on the handlebars while riding. And even there weren't any laws, no hands on the handlebars could be interpreted as reckless riding. And it's dangerous.

Kenny, my bad for starting this off :spank: I only really do it when there's no one around, and yes it's illegal in Holland too.

I must admit a while ago now when I did a training course my instructor showed us how he could slalom with no hands between the cones (just using his hips and knees), I must admit I was impressed and I occassionally try this when there's nobody around (with varying results:eek:).

I must stress he did say it was illegal on the road, that's why he did it on the race track.
Check with your local laws. In Nevada, a rider must always have at least one hand on the handlebars while riding. And even there weren't any laws, no hands on the handlebars could be interpreted as reckless riding. And it's dangerous.

I hear ya, I believe AZ it's required to have both hands on the bars at all times. Yes, it can be dangerous. Yes, it feels amazing. I've come up stop lights with police behind me and dropped both hands of the bars while coasting and stretched my wrist before. Didn't get lit up, must have been lucky.
I ride with one hand as much as possible as conditions allow, I ride with no hands after long lengths of boring interstate when I lay down backwards on my seat to stretch my back, I pass on double yellows when safe and prudent, I've done a buck forty on my FZ (but I won't say where), I've dragged knees on the street and later on the track, and I avoid hitting ground squirells and small animals when at all possible. I don't advocate any of this behavior for anyone else (except for the small animals part) but in the end, after forty years of riding I have no regrets or apologies.
YMMV.... :ban:
I ride with one hand as much as possible as conditions allow, I ride with no hands after long lengths of boring interstate when I lay down backwards on my seat to stretch my back, I pass on double yellows when safe and prudent, I've done a buck forty on my FZ (but I won't say where), I've dragged knees on the street and later on the track, and I avoid hitting ground squirells and small animals when at all possible. I don't advocate any of this behavior for anyone else (except for the small animals part) but in the end, after forty years of riding I have no regrets or apologies.
YMMV.... :ban:

Like this

[ame=]Laid back....Texting While Riding Motorcycle in India - YouTube[/ame]

and like this

[ame=]Yamaha R1 - Knee draging with sparks - YouTube[/ame]
Or this, we get one hand throwing up deuces, passing on a double yellow and following too close

[ame=]Yamaha R1 following a 350Z up Mulholland - YouTube[/ame]
I voted rarely. I do it sometimes, whether waving to someone passing by, or just taking my hand off the bar. As has been said, if there are cars near me, intersections, or anything like that, I don't do it.
Me and my buddy have a 2 block downhill ride to the local gas station. Many times we like to either keep the engines off and coast down and "race" each other just by pushing off Flintstones style.

We also like to do no hands down the block too sometimes too while coasting in neutral. It really helps you find the center of your bike. We do it occasionally though only for a block or 2 down to get a drink. But I do like to go down long straight hills when risk is low - riding no hands. I've made it pretty far even going around small curves before. I feel I've moved on from being a speed demon and as Lefty said, to cure some of the boredom from riding slowly as opposed to satisfying boredom by riding faster.

I do ride occasionally with 1 hand, only out in the country generally speaking. I noticed I itch my nose frequently for some reason, which technically constitutes riding one handed. I think a strand of thread inside my helmet tickles my face and no matter how many times I severe the thread, another one surfaces to tickle my face.

I choose rarely.
Sometimes would probably be a better response for me personally. I rode with one hand a lot more when I had the FZ6 but now with my old school 06 Concours, I tend to hit the throttle lock when I ride with one hand. I can actually choose which hand I want to give a break option I didn't have on my Fizzer. (I highly recommend a throttle lock...btw.:)