FZ6 S2 strange Vibrations


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Sep 10, 2009
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Since two months i have a brand new FZ6 Fazer S2 2010. But i notice it has quite some vibrations. Especially at 7500-8500 RPM.

My old FZ6 Fazer S 2004 did not have these vibrations.

When i drive with 8k rpm on the S2 i cant see mush trough the mirrors its a blurry. With the S1 i did not have problems at 240+ km/h with 13k RPM on the autobahn.

So what could this be?

The bike only did 135x km so far. It has had its 1000 km checkup. Its a S2 with a Laser Xtreme exhaust with the Givi rack mod found on this forum. At the dealer they say a new bike alway's has more vibrations. And it will get less in time.

But if you ask me the difference is just to big. The S1 had 16k on the dial. And had the stock exhaust.

Could it be that the vibrations are caused by the Xtreme Laser Exhaust? Are there way's to check this?

I can feel it when riding and its especially bad for the mirrors you just cant see clearly and thats a safety issue.

I hope you guy's can give me some tips. (i'm really a n00b when it comes to bikes/mechanics but the dealer does not really come with a solution so i'm stuck)
There was a thread just a little while ago where someone mentioned that he felt more vibration after he installed aftermarket exhaust. *shrug*
You could also put the bike back to stock and see if the vibration goes away. That definitly would answer your question.

I think I'd consider finding another dealer, new bikes don't vibrate more than old bikes (if assembled /set up correctly).

I'd also be checking the torque on the engine mounts/axle/basically go over the bike fully checking everything...
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Uhmm right.

For the note i did not do the installation myself. I let the dealer do it because i dont want any issues.

I dont have the DB killers in them. Max sound only is 99 DB. Its quite a bit louder then stock but 99 db is not extreme in any way.

Now i need to figure out if its normal to have vibrations with the Laser Xtreme. Or if they made a error while installing it..... I guess they did something wrong.
I never rode the bike with stock. I bought the bike inc the new exhaust from 0 km until now it was there. But after 1000 i could go above 7k rpm and it gets really bad at 7k5 up to 8k5.

I only know my old S1 2004 did not have these kind of vibrations. But that one had the stock exhaust.
If there's another dealer nearby, I'd have them take a look at it. If not, is there anyone you know with an FZ6 you can try riding to compare? Perhaps the dealership has a used one to compare too.. Any diagnostic codes coming up now? Perhaps a bad spark plug misfiring causing the vibration? Any unusual sounds when accelerating (slight misfire, etc?)

I would also insist that the dealer call Yamaha headquarters and explain the situation. I would also want it documented should it get worse and something go bad...

When I was having some problems with my 04 FJR, the dealership contacted Yamaha headquarters while I was there for help.. Although they couldn't find the problem, Yamaha did try to step up to the plate and treid several different things (my problem was a corroded connector under the gas tank. Once cleaned and di-lectric grease added its been fine since)

Good luck...
If there's another dealer nearby, I'd have them take a look at it. If not, is there anyone you know with an FZ6 you can try riding to compare? Perhaps the dealership has a used one to compare too.. Any diagnostic codes coming up now? Perhaps a bad spark plug misfiring causing the vibration? Any unusual sounds when accelerating (slight misfire, etc?)

The Exhaust sound is different but thats not strange. As far as i know the engine runs well. But i have to say í'm no expert. When starting up everything is fine i have no error codes on the display. When accelerating you have the usual engine whine that the S1 also had.

I would also insist that the dealer call Yamaha headquarters and explain the situation. I would also want it documented should it get worse and something go bad...

When I was having some problems with my 04 FJR, the dealership contacted Yamaha headquarters while I was there for help.. Although they couldn't find the problem, Yamaha did try to step up to the plate and treid several different things (my problem was a corroded connector under the gas tank. Once cleaned and di-lectric grease added its been fine since)

Good luck...

Thats a good idea. If there is a note i would not get charged if they repair it in the future. Because this problem is there from day one. The chief mechanic over there told me its normal to have more vibrations when a bike is new. But somehow i dont buy it that its this much. I can imagine that it will get a bit smoother after its first 3k but this kind of difference nope.

+ the problem is partially RPM based. It always vibrates more then the old S1 but it gets really bad at 7k5+ but at 10 its a bit less again. So it could be the engine or the exhaust. I will do a few more KM before i call them again. So they can see i gave it a try. And i will insist that they will look into it.

And about Yamaha support. Its a bike without the stock exhaust. I wonder if that did not void the warranty. It could be possible that because of that they wont give any support.
You should be ok with the aftermarket muffler with warranty..

I'd get the stock muffler/brackets/bolts/etc (If you haven't already) back from the dealer just in case...

I have the stock exhaust in my garage. So thats no problem. But it want it to work with the laser. They where not cheap. And i really like the looks.
I finally hit the 1600km mark yesterday. So the beak in (according to Yamaha) is officially over. So i did some more tests at 10K+ rpm. Vibrations are way lower at 12+ almost the same as at 4-5K rpm. So its really that 7k5-8k5 area thats really bad.

Compared it yesterday with a stock S2 but that did not have those vibrations.

The tought still corosses my mind that it can have something to do with the exhaust. And maybe the DBkillers. I have seen dyno graph in the past so i looked those up again:

Catalogue > Bike

If you go to the comercial product PDF you can see the graph's. Note the huge boost at the 7k5 8k5 range for the Laser Xtreem without the DB killers.

Even without the boost in that area is quite big compared with the lower range.

I dont know if it has anything to do with the vibrations. (because at 10k+ you also have a huge boost but at that range the vibrations are not that bad) But it might be worth keeping in mind.
I finally hit the 1600km mark yesterday. So the break in (according to Yamaha) is officially over. So i did some more tests at 10K+ rpm. Vibrations are way lower at 12+ almost the same as at 4-5K rpm. So its really that 7k5-8k5 area that's really bad.

Compared it yesterday with a stock S2 but that did not have those vibrations.

The thought still crosses my mind that it can have something to do with the exhaust. And maybe the DBkillers. I have seen dyno graph in the past so i looked those up again:

Catalogue > Bike

If you go to the comercial product PDF you can see the graph's. Note the huge boost at the 7k5 8k5 range for the Laser Xtreem without the DB killers.

Even without the boost in that area is quite big compared with the lower range.

I dont know if it has anything to do with the vibrations. (because at 10k+ you also have a huge boost but at that range the vibrations are not that bad) But it might be worth keeping in mind.

Well I definately felt a (large) physical difference between the 2 bikes and your bike was shaking at those revs :eek: good luck at the dealers Frank :thumbup:
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As there are no independant balancers to speak of, the next most likely thing to check would be the engine mounting bolts.

If after torquing those, it doesn't help, I'd try to get it on a dyno which can read the exhaust gases. Get the bike to the RPM's in question, get it to vibrate, maybe put a infrared heat gun on each header pipe and see if ones missing (a little colder). If the ECU is leaning out a cylinder/causing a misfire (bad spark plug/wire), that would make it vibrate considerably more....

To rule out the exhaust, have the dealership put the stock muffler back on and check it....

I know you want the aftermarket pipe but its still under warranty and that would be one way to eliminate that possibility... I wouldn't be paying for them to get the vibration out of there, something is not right....

Good luck....
Thanks for the tips.

I hope they can find it. Somehow i dont see them putting the stock exhaust back on without me paying for it.

I will call the main engineer and see what they recommend. If needed i will go to the garage owner (that sold me the bike) and make sure it gets fixed without extra cost.
I just spoke with the chief engineer on the phone. He told me that the vibrations should get less after 2k and max 3k km. But also that i should notice it already. And thats not the case.

So when i hit the 2k mark and the vibrations are still there i will bring it to the garage and they will look into it.

He said that he thinks its something with the mounting not the exhaust system.

So i'm gonna ride a bit this week so i hit that 2k soon and get it fixed ASAP.
I finally got a update. The short version: It seems to be a S2 ting.

The dealer looked at it and tried a number of things. Its a bit less but its still there. But then they offered me a chance to ride a other FZ6 S2. It was a GT version from 2008. It had only done 1200 km.
It has the stock exhaust and it had similar vibrations. In almost the same rev area. There only was a small difference (about 200rpm).

It seems my old FZ6 S1 2004 ran really well. I'm gonna do two things:
1: extra rubbers between the frame and the mirror so they wont vibrate that much.
2: Sprocket change from 16T to 17T. It will lower the RPM so i wont hit that 9k so fast on the high way's.

And i hope it will get a bit less in time.. I only did 27xx km on the bike. The old one had 10k8xx when i bought it. And 16000 when i sold it. So who knows...
I have a 2009 FZS6YB and I have the same problem. Engine vibration in the upper RPM's. Its fine on short rides but I ride 40+ miles one way to work and half way through the ride my hands feel like they have fallen asleep! Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to eliminate the vibration?
I have a 2009 FZS6YB and I have the same problem. Engine vibration in the upper RPM's. Its fine on short rides but I ride 40+ miles one way to work and half way through the ride my hands feel like they have fallen asleep! Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to eliminate the vibration?

"Grip Puppies" (foam sleeves that go over the hand grips) and gel gloves (the gel is on the inside of the palm) will get rid of most of the vib's.

If you can live with bar risers, those will take some weight off your wrists and should help as well.

Other folks have used heavier bar ends and put weight in the handle bar itself... I don't think you can do that thou (extra weight inside the bar) on the FZ if the ends of the handlebars are closed...
I was at a dyno this weekend. And the guy could not get a rpm reading between 7k and 12k. Not even with 2 sensors. That's the range where the vibrations are. he never had this problem before not even with 1 and 2 cylinders.

He recommended me to go back to the dealer. I expect it might be the GR fearings. That are resonating. I think this because a other FZ6 GT I rode had the same vibrations. So I'm now planning on removing the fearing and try again. It would be a shame if I can't use them anymore because I Love the looks. But I really wanna get rid of the vibrations.