

Junior Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I feel like a jackass asking this, but how important are gloves? I've been riding about a month now, and I always wear jeans, boots, an armored jacket and a helmet. Should I get gloves?
Should NEVER ride without gloves.

No flesh around your fingers. You'd lose them too easily.


Buy a decent pair now.....

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I feel like a jackass asking this, but how important are gloves? I've been riding about a month now, and I always wear jeans, boots, an armored jacket and a helmet. Should I get gloves?

I'm guessing your hand is almost always down on the ground in a slide, as you instinctively put them out to protect you. When I lowsided I slid for 20' or 30 feet on my forearm and palm of my hand. I hate to think what my hand would look like if I didn't have gloves on.

EDIT: Don't feel like a jackass. Way better to ask and get good info than be shy:thumbup:
I'm guessing your hand is almost always down on the ground in a slide, as you instinctively put them out to protect you. When I lowsided I slid for 20' or 30 feet on my forearm and palm of my hand. I hate to think what my hand would look like if I didn't have gloves on.

EDIT: Don't feel like a jackass. Way better to ask and get good info than be shy:thumbup:

+1, it's our natural reaction to put our hands out if we fall. I knew a rider who didn't wear any gloves and he ended up grinding both hands down to the bone. Now everytime he has to go take a dump, he can't wipe. No joke.

Wearing gloves not only protects your hands in case of a fall, but it actually helps improve your grip on the handlebars, resulting in a much better ride.

There are so many variation of gloves from wrist to gauntlet, winter to summer, air mesh vs non mesh, leather, kevlar. I suggest you go visit your local shop or Cycle Gear and try them out and see what feels best for you. Gloves can range from $20 - $150 a pair.
Definitley get a pair.

Get them from a shop where you can try a lot of brands on, the most expensive aren't the best if they don't fit well.

You always put your hands down if you come off and your hands are VERY fragile.
BUY SOME GLOVES!!!! my friend recentley went down and lost his pinky and ring finger and it was on a klx dirtbike so please go get a pair!
Well, when a 50 hp dirtbike (yz426f for those interested) highside at 40mph on a gravel driveway, and you have armored dirtbikes gloves on, i still got a nasty cut on my palm, but I know it would have cut my thumb off if i didnt have gloves on. and road rash on a road is waaaaaaaaaaay worse than on dirt (with few exceptions).

I can't tell you how many times ATGATT has saved my arse off road.

If you value it, protect it ! :thumbup:
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I would say if you can't live without it and don't want to lose it, cover it up. Be it your hands or your head, wouldn't be a whole lot of fun to have to go without a body part if it's preventable. Just my .02
definitely get some, i might be slightly compulsive but i own 3 different pairs (for different seasons)

i'm also going to upgrade summer ones as I'm worried they don't offer enough protection to these:
I have rode with gloves since buying the bike 3 years ago, now feels so odd without them that I literally can't control the bike as well without them.... I know it's just mental, but still...
i feel naked and unprotected when i wear my textiles instead of my leathers :S

can't imagine riding without all the gear on :S
My MSF instructor referred to people who ride without gloves as "ASS HANDS". Why? Guess where they get the skin for grafts when you've fallen and worn through the stuff that you were born with ??
great responses guys. starting out, i didn't realize how important gloves were until reading proficient motorcycling. he stated that the bloodiest crash he had ever been to was one where the rider didn't wear gloves. his description convinced me. i've never been on my bike (except in my yard) without my gloves. not willing to take that chance.
Decent gloves will not cost you much, and in my opinion, they are #2 of importance (helmet being #1 of course)
I use Alpinestars (vented) for Summer :)

Decent gloves will not cost you much, and in my opinion, they are #2 of importance (helmet being #1 of course)
I use Alpinestars (vented) for Summer :)


I don't know about that...I think jacket is a little more important than gloves. I assume that if I fall at speed I would try to get to a sliding on my back, with knees up (I don't usually wear bottom protection).
maybe it depends on how much you value various body parts, but i value most of mine fairly equally, hence i always wear armoured boots, gloves, jacket, and trousers (and helmet)]

i always buy the best i can afford too
I have been in 3 accidents myself. Each one, I didn't have the option of choosing how I hit the ground, nor how I slid, or in the case of the last accident, rolled. ATGATT each time was worth it. I would highly recommend getting gloves. Helps out in more ways than just accidents too. They are the cheap, and lots of options.

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Several people have mentioned wearing gloves because of going down with the bike. Let's not forget the simple things like a kicked up rock while going 30 MPH, in town, or even a bug to the digits. Both very painful and potentially disabling.
Several people have mentioned wearing gloves because of going down with the bike. Let's not forget the simple things like a kicked up rock while going 30 MPH, in town, or even a bug to the digits. Both very painful and potentially disabling.

Bah just ride so fast that you create a soundwave in front of your hand that acts like a forcefield, destroying or ricocheting anything out of harms way =)

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